Meet me at the Airport.

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I pushed past both of them and marched up stairs. I went to my room and stopped in my tracks when I saw that my room was stripped of everything there was nothing on the walls and my furniture was gone,I walked to my bathroom and turned on my shower the hot water was on high I stepped in. So many things were rushing through my mind how was I going to tell Emily and not to mention tell my sweet Alex. I finished washing up and threw on the clothes I randomly picked out. I brushed my hair and put it in a high messy bun I also added a little bit of eyeliner. When I was done with everything I walked down stairs to see a now calm and relaxed Simon waiting for me at the door. I wanted to so badly slap his ugly face I walked up to him and said.

"Before we go to the airport I want to say goodbye to my friends."

Simon just smiled and said

"Well of course"

rolled my eyes and walked out the door to get into the limo before I had a chance to open the car door Simon shouted

"Aria aren't you forgetting to say goodbye to your mother!?"

I turned around and said

"Oh you found my mother ?! where is she? is she behind the slut standing next to you?"

my moms face was so funny she looked like she was going to start crying. Oh please ain't nobody got time for crying bitch! I just laughed and jumped in the limo a few minutes later Simon jumped in.

"You can't just say that to your mother Aria and you're going to have to change this stupid behavior once you get to London." Simon said

"OK look I can talk to her anyway i want to just because you came to take me to that shitty place you love so much doesn't make you Dad of the year. you're still a dick weather you like it or not. I said in an irritated tone Simon just looked at me with his mouth wide open. Damn he should really close his mouth because his morning breath Ain't cute!! I had already text ed Emily and Alex what was going on and told the to meet me at the airport I looked at my phone again and just kept re reading mine and Alex's text messages.



"hey sexy lady thanks for an amazing night last night but where the fuck did you go! :("



"Damn lol chill the fuck out I went back home to change my clothes and to take a shower."



"oh....ok but come back right now I wanna cuddle with your sexy ass ;)"



"Awww :) um....about that I need you to meet me at the airport."



"Oh hell yea we going on vacation babe?! :)"



"Um not exactly...."



"um fine OK which airport is it?"



"go to the Fx one by Torrance"



"OK I'll be there. Lol baby your freaking me out because I know you only go to the airport when your going on vacation to party."






"oh?..everything's OK right?"



"just get to the airport."



"Fine Bossy Bitch! ;P"

I locked my phone and looked out the window. We where already at the airport I sucked in a short breath and got out the car.

"Hey everything's going to be alright they'll understand" Simon said

That's when I lost it.

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