"um hey?"

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SO here I am now getting off the plane. I walked into the airport lobby. I saw Simon standing next to the exit by the door. I made my way  towards him.

"Good there you are I thought you'd try and sneak on the next plane out of here" Simon said looking relieved.


"Well I figured that I'd do that after I get some sleep so how about I leave first thing in the morning." Simon shook his head and said.


"Very funny now lets go we have things to discuss."


Ugh I'm so fucking done with talking to him, I rolled my eyes and got in the car. We made it to Simon's house, and I've got to say it’s impressive, I got out and walked towards the door, Simon came and opened the front door.


“Ok Aria all of your stuff is in your room and already set up I had some workers help.”


“GREAT, bye!”


as soon as I stepped towards the stairs Simon said.


“I don't think so Aria, we still have stuff to go over.” I rolled my eyes and sat at the bottom of the stairs.


“Fine, what is it?” I asked annoyed.


" We need to go over some ground rules." Simon said.


Ugh why can't he just leave me the fuck alone! I'm already in shitty London.I walked towards the stairs and sat down on the last step.


"Fine hurry the fuck up then!"


"Ok first things first I want you to Stop using fail language because that's very unladylike ,Second when ever I have guest here you need to be polite and respectful, and Third you must- ."


I cut him off "OK I don't give a fuck if you think cursing is unladylike because you can just shove whatever opinion you have of me up your ass."


I got off the step and went to my room I didn't give a shit about Simons "ground rules" he thinks he can control my life now that I have to live with him? Will think again bitch! I slammed my room door hard enough to make one of his expensive picture frames fall and break I looked around my room for my laptop once I found it I immediately logged into twitter . It was the usual comments on my wall like "omg I love you soo much ! Please follow me." And "dude I love how you do whatever the fuck you want ughh I want you soo bad " I got tired of following and retweeting people so I logged off I checked the time it was now 4:00 in the morning damn I need to hit the sheets I turned off my laptop and went to sleep wishing and hoping this was all  a dream and I'd wake back up next to Alex .



                                       ~SIMON'S POINT OF VIEW~


UHH god please help me with Aria I don't know what to do anymore she  just keeps lashing off and ignoring me. I checked my watch it was 9:00 am good the boys and I have a meeting today they should be here around 9:20. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of tea, when I finished my tea I checked my watch again it was now 9:30. I know, I know I'm a slow drinker but hey that doesn't matter what matters is the boys being 10 minutes late just as I was about to ring them the doorbell went off, I asked Jasmine my maid to get it knowing that she fancies them one in particular but I'm not sure who the lucky lad is, I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the sound of what sounded like a herd of lions the sound came closer as it came towards the kitchen, I looked up from my laptop there stood One Direction.

Bad is My Middle Name (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now