Kanato's ending -no one dies-

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.....u know wut he sooo fudged up I don't even know wut to write at this author note thing just jezzz for me he's hopeless....

Kanato: what did u say?

Me: FORGET SPELL *throws a book*

Kanato: this is a bo-

Me: *running away on unicorn*


Aisu's pov

"Pff okay wait let me get this straight you like Yui?" I snorted while Ayato was shaking my bed side out of embarrassment and anger.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! DON'T SAY IT SO LOUDY!!" He yelled kicking my bed making me scream and laugh to my pillow before taking a breath trying to calm down.

"So what? That's great, I guess, go for it"

"But...how exactly do I got for it....?"

"Flowers? Some roses maybe or lilies? Oh why not some chocolate-" I got cut off when my door was opened revealing Kanato with a letter...looking quite bashful.

"Hi...uhm what do you have there?"

"I thought you were smart, right? Teddy. This is an invitation for you, here" he said teleporting away as the invitation flew over to me.

I grabbed the letter and open it to see what it was, Ayato looked over and he looked disgusted making me arch a brow.


"Eh it's just one of his annual tea parties he has once a month because...I don't know honestly" he sighed scratching the back of his head while I just stare at the invitation.

"So...should I go?"

"Well this is the first time he's inviting someone, I say go for it. He probably likes you" he shrugged making me furrow my brows, likes me?

"He likes me?" I can see sudden shock in his eyes as he teleports away. Dick move much...

Well this is great I'm having a tea party with the bipolar one how nice. I finally arrived to his room and gave a small knock before hearing a small come in. Alright whatever he's going through just be supportive...just try not to scream...try not to scream...

"Hi there....wow. This...this is very impressive" I mumbled looking at an elegant glass table that's filled with club sandwiches, cakes, ice cream, tarts, and just a lot.

"Why do you look so surprised?" He ask with a light glare making me flinch ABORT COMPLIMENT ABORT COMPLIMENT.

"Ah well because I never remember you having this lovely table!" I lightly laugh before sitting down and shutting myself up before I do anything stupid-

"Eat, the sweets will make your blood sweeter" he said while shoving a macaron to my mouth.

"T-thanks! So what's the occasion?" I ask while pouring some tea for us, he freeze before hiding his face behind teddy.

"What do you mean...?"

"Well you've never really invited me to your tea parties, and well this the first time you've invited me. I'm just happy I guess" I chuckled taking a sip of tea ignoring the fact he's glaring daggers at me.

His hand reaches out only to pat my head before slightly stroking my ears making me lean to his touch while I eat some eclairs he has. This is honestly really nice.

"You're happy?"

"Then let's do this more often, I like your company..." he said making me freeze from shock, he likes my company?? He usually hates everyone's company

"I...you like my company?" I asked feeling very dumbfounded as he wipe off some cream from the eclair I had by licking my cheek making my face steaming

"You don't believe me?" He asks while tilting his head

"No no I believe you I'm just...very shocked..." I trail off making him shrug before laying his head ok my lap making me yelp.

"W-What are you doing??"

"Since you're processing I'm just making sure you don't go anywhere. I want to spend more time with you" I rub my face from his slyness along with the fact I can feel my entire face turning red.

"Yeah...me too"

My pov





Ooooooooo k wellll I am done with dat and I will now think over if he's actually sane or not yeupppp der will be an extended chappie but only 1 / 2 more sooooo DIS WONT BE LADT TIME YOU SEE ME BICHESSSSS.....jk see ya guys thanks for all ya support and the 712 viewws

Note: I am slowly drifting to madness (even further then wat I used to be) for the fact there are 16 views on the Laito ending.. Dat just cray....Personally I ship Subaru and her to be honest :3

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