Chapter 1~~ JM??

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"OH MY GOD!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!" I scream as I see the vicious creature! That thing is the devils spawn I swear!

"WHAT IS IT?!?" My little brother Damon says while running into the kitchen. I point to the hideous creature shaking. "Really Skylar? That's a spider. I thought it was something gross, like mold or something, not a spider." Damon states while looking disappointed in me.

"WHAT?! That thing is gross it has eight legs! Like what type of normal creature has eight legs?! Its the DEVILS SPAWN!!!" I tell him, while pointing at my biggest fear.

"A spider has eight legs...and guess what...its normal." He says the last part in a whisper. Then taking off his shoe and killing that scarce mammal. "What's for dinner?"

"Tacos. Duh its Tuesday."


"Go watch Sponge Bob. I'll call you in when they're done."

"Okay." He comes over and motions for me to bend down and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I love you sissy."

"I love you too Doc." Then he runs into the front room. See our family has nicknames for each other, well had, but Damon and I still use them. Damon was Doc, because he would always dress up as a doctor, Dad was Monkey Pants, long story short, all of his pj bottoms had monkeys on them, Mom was Fox, because well to be honest she was hot even for a 45 year old, and I was Ace, because when my dad taught me Mixed Martial Arts I aced it same with dancing and driving.

I started to make dinner. When I was done I placed it on the table and then call Damon into the kitchen.
After dinner Damon takes a bath, and I tuck him into bed. I go to go get in the shower when I found a piece of paper on my bed. It read:

Dear Ace,
I now know where you are hiding. If you don't start fighting, racing, and dancing again I will not hesitate to take your precious little brother away. I am giving you till Halloween to make your decision. If I don't see you at the fight at the Underground, I will know your choice and will take Damon the first chance I get. Don't make the wrong choice, it may end up in death if you do.

He found me!!! He really found me!!! This is not good!!! Justin Miller found me, and is threatening to take Damon away. Worst even kill him. I guess I only have one choice, and that is to show up at the fight on Halloween.

After that I went into the bathroom and showered. After I got out of the shower I put my hair in a messy bun and got dressed in my black spandex and a sports bra. I climbed into bed and just looked at the ceiling just thinking about how this all is going to work out. After awhile I fell asleep.


Hey so I updated again. Twice in the same day!

~Kennedy xx

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