Xavier Black

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Recap: "Wait," he said while grabbing my arm and pulling me back away from Rosa, "I still have to ask you what I was going to when we got to Damon's school."

"Go ahead then."

"Will you go o---" he got cut off when someone started yelling my name.

"SKYLAR!!!" It was a guy's voice. I turn around and look around, I see the guy from the park walking towards me.

Present time:

He walks up to me and puts his arm around me, and for some reason I felt safe. "Hey Skylar, I didn't know you went to my school," he says. When he looks up he finally realize that I'm not alone. "Oh hey there Mr. Popular, and Mr. Popular's sister." I look at Blake and Rosa. Blake looks at Xavier with a terrified look, and Rosa...she has her bitch face on as usual.

"We have names you know," Rosa says pissed.

"Well don't bother me by telling me them," (a/n I have no idea if that even makes sense) Xavier says while he starts walking away, pulling me with him.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask him while trying to get out from under his arm.

"I'm taking you away from that dick head and nerd. You are the biggest street fighter, you are not going to be hanging with that group, if you are going to be in my gang," he says while wrapping his arm around my waist, "Plus my girl is not going to be titled as a nerd," he tells me while shrugging.

"First off, I'm not you're girl and I'm not joining your gang. Second off those are my friends and I am not ditching them for some spoiled little gang leader. I'm not scared of you, nor will I ever be!" I tell him, I jab him in his ribs with almost all of my strength. He yells in pain and falls to the ground, letting me go. I take this as my chance to run, but before I do run I kick him, with little strength, in the his ribs, but I'm not as cruel as him and do it in the other side. I hear his gang members walk up behind me, trying to get through the crowd that made a circle around up, I guess we gathered a audience. I turn around and smirk at the boys, "What do you want some too?"

I hear a voice behind me and I turn around, "Baby girl, you aren't going to get past them and the crowd of students." I smirk at Xavier, who I might add is trying to get up off the ground. I turn back around to look at the students.

"If you don't want to get hurt I'd move." I tell them in the calmest voice I have, Tc tells me it is the scariest sound that he has ever heard and is terrified of it. I mean if it scares Tc, then it must scare everyone. I look at their faces and I can tell, that they are terrified. I for real think some of them shxt their pants. They move out of the way, I make a run for it.

I heard Xavier yell at his men, "What the hell are you doing just standing around?! Go after her you idiots!" That's no way to treat your friends, well to be honest they aren't much of friends more like minions. Awe I love those little guys.

Shut up Skylar! You're suppose to be running, not thinking about minions!

Be quiet brain! Geeze I'm trying to run!

Then run body!

Okay so maybe my brain has a point, I focus on running now. I hear heavy footsteps behind me, knowing Xavier's men are following me, on foot, I start running to my car. I see Blake in the front seat and Rosa in the passenger seat. Blake hurries and backs up, he drives up to a few meters ahead of me, and yells, "Get in the back seat Skylar!" (a/n right here marks 666 words...continue) So I try to do just that.

I heard the 'minions' yelling at me. I turn my head to see how far they are from me and they are pretty far back. I turn back and run into a wall...well that's embarrassing. WAIT! There isn't a wall in the middle of the parking lot. Arms wrap around my waist, "Princess, you didn't really think that you would get away that easily, did you?" the wall asked. I look up and see Xavier, well shxt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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