Chapter Six

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Back at work, things were manic – we had this massive conference coming up and Rachel (my manager) nominated me as project leader. In all honesty it felt more like a test to see if I could cope with all the pressure and although I tried not to make it obvious, I was secretly freaking out. Lee (the office brown noser) was my designated buddy throughout the project - he was so annoyingly good at his job and even better at sucking up to the right people and the thought of spending the next few weeks working under his anal retentive watch, sickened me.

And to make things worse, I couldn’t seem to shake off the events from Saturday night – I mean who would’ve thought that someone as gorgeous as Jonathan would turn out to be such a, pig? I knew had to keep it together, at least until after the conference. Who needed him anyway with this charming ways and delectable aftershave?

‘So what’s our angle then?’ Lee asked, slurping loudly on his coffee.


‘Yes, what are we tackling first?’

‘Oh, right, erm.. I was thinking the invitations?’

He shook his head. ‘Not a good idea.’

‘Why’s that?’

‘We haven’t run through the details of the event yet.’

‘Right, well we better get started then.’ I said, attempting to hide my appalling organisational skills. (Yes, I lied on my CV – shoot me!).

‘So have you picked the caterers? What about the speakers? Assuming you actually - have the list.’

‘Of course I do.’  

‘Can I see it?’

‘Sure, it will have to be later though - I left it in my car.’ I laughed, nervously.

He took another sip of coffee and his eyes took on this suspicious look. Bye job, bye apartment, bye New York! I knew there was only one thing for it – enter Lucy Frizzell 2.0.

‘So,’ I said, jumping up from my chair. ‘I need you to take charge of these.’ I shoved some brochures into his hand and I could’ve sworn he looked just a teeny bit impressed.

‘You already printed the brochures?’

‘Why of course.’ I smiled.

‘Sorry Lee,’ interrupted Imogen (love her!) – ‘I’m stealing Lucy for an hour.’

‘Where are we going?’ I asked.

Throwing both arms into her black mac, she applied some touché éclat onto her already rosy cheeks. ‘It’s pretzel time.’

‘I can’t we’re so snowed under. Besides I’ve never even had a real pretzel.’

Her mouth flung open. ‘Oh no, you didn’t!’ she looked over at Lee but nothing seemed to faze him, ‘she didn’t just say that right?!’

‘Say what?’

‘You mean to tell me you have been living in New York for almost a month and a half and you have NEVER had a pretzel?’

‘What’s so bad about that?’

‘I’m not even answering that come on!’

She pulled me by the arm and I barely had time to grab my coat from the chair.

‘Two pretzels and two lattes with cream please.’

 ‘No cream, I’m watching my figure.’ I said conscious that the guy behind the stall could hear me.

‘Extra cream on both, please,’ she smiled. The guy handed her the tray and we made our way to a bench.

‘I said no cream!’

‘It’s not for you.’ She began scooping the cream with a plastic spoon and we took our seats, overlooking the river. Lake Ridge Park was so beautiful and with the contrast of red leaves on the trees, and the feeling of autumn creeping in, amazing doesn’t even begin to explain it! ‘So how’s it going with lemon face Lee?’

‘Don’t ask.’

‘That bad huh?’

‘I’ve already lost the supplier list Rachel gave me last week and to make things worse, I told him I left it in my car, I don’t even have a car!’

‘I have a spare I’ll mail it over when we get back.’

‘Here,’ I smiled, pushing my cup towards her, ‘you can have all my cream.’

  She reached into her mac and pulled out a packet of Marlboros and it was then I noticed something was bothering her. ‘Want one?’

‘I don’t smoke and since when did you start?’

 ‘I don’t usually.’

‘Is everything Okay?’

She inhaled deeply, and her usual flawless skin appeared blotchy. ‘It’s Ted.’


‘The guy I’m sort of seeing.’

‘Go on,’

‘I think he might be gay.’

 ‘Jeez, Imogen,’ I said throwing down my half – eaten pretzel, ‘you nearly made me do a George Bush!’

‘I’m sorry,’

‘Why do you think this?’

‘He’s stopped sleeping over.’

‘Maybe he’s just tired.’

She ripped her coat open, revealing a very skimpy black top – ‘what living breathing man do you know could resist this!? Cos seriously Luce, if you know of one, I’m intrigued to meet him.’

‘He could be depressed?’

‘Men never get depressed they either turn, gay or they meet another woman.’

‘Maybe he,’

‘DON’T say it!’

‘But have you considered the possibility?’

‘Show me another woman that can beat THIS?’ she said, giving me another boob flash. The two men from the other table couldn’t take their eyes off us or, should I say Imogen’s better half.

‘Ok, enough of the striptease already!’

‘But you get my point?’

‘I so get your point.’

‘He’s gay right?’


Taking a bite of pretzel, she pulled out another cigarette from the box. ‘So what’s your deal anyway?’

‘Nothing much,’

That dangerous sparkle in her eyes suddenly reappeared, and I didn’t know what to be more scared about – her sudden enthusiasm or the fact she was relieved at the possibility of her boyfriend being gay.

‘Seen Ethan around the office lately?’

‘Ethan?’ now I was intrigued.

‘Yeah, you know - the sexy, heart –wrenchingly perfect, tree hugging Mr. Jones.’

‘Tree hugging?’

‘I’ve seen the way he looks at you.’

I let out a small burst of laughter. ‘You’re insane!’

‘And you’re blushing.’

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