Chapter Thirteen

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As the weeks passed by things seemed to calm down, the weirdness between Ethan and I fizzled into more of a silent avoidance on both our parts. He would walk left whenever I walked right, and so on. Don’t get me wrong – it was hard seeing him every day and even harder not to look in his direction at any chance I could get, I mean why wouldn’t I? He was sweet natured, handsome and apparently in a relationship!

Something I had found out through Ben (a guy in the office), according to him it's only ' casual dating' but I couldn't help but be angry. He didn't appear to be the type to cheat and not to mention the night of the meeting. Although my memory is still a little fuzzy on that subject, it did seem obvious that something occurred – I just wasn’t sure what exactly.

But like always I found a good distraction technique - the new guy at the office - Frank Shippy. 

Frank was an IT whizz kid who joined the Company a few weeks ago. He seemed to fit in straight away and I really enjoyed his Company, throw a subject at him and he would know pretty much anything about it. He was my new lunch buddy and some nights after work, we would go to our favourite hangout ''Jibbey's'' which was a Jazz Cafe for students. It was great because you could buy as many rounds as you liked and still have change left over at the end of the night. 

Frank would always try the 'chaser' cocktail and I would watch in amusement as he walked around in a drunken stupor, his spectacles sprawled unevenly across his face, knocking down just about anything that stood in his way. He wasn't all that handsome but he did have endearing qualities that drew me to him in a friendship sort of way.

A couple of the guys in the office had already started spreading rumours about us but this just propelled me to hang out with him even more.

'Lucy, try it!' Frank slurred, dangling a glass in front of me.

'I can’t Frank, we have work tomorrow and I'm already on thin ice with 'The Witch'.'

 ‘Just live a little come on. I'll save you from the big bad Witch!'

 Jumping from the stool, I grabbed him by the arm. 'Come on Frank, its home time.’

‘I don't want to go yet. Shall we play a game? Look, I have cards.' He presented a small pack of cards and continued to flick them back and forth.

'I’m no good at card games.’               

 ‘Come on stay, pretty please.'

I didn’t know whether to be irritated or flattered by his relentless pouting. 'Ok, I give up. Spread Em!'

 Part two

I leaned against the wall – hoping this feeling would go away – it was - all Frank’s fault – everything was his fault.

'Lucy?’ whispered a familiar voice from under the cubicle.

Looking down, I could see a hand appear from under the door. I knew it belonged to Imogen it must have been the rows of turquoise beads and charm bracelets that gave her away.

'What do you want?’

Imogen pushed the door opened and stepped inside the cubicle with me.

'Oh for God's sake Lucy -are you trying to lose your job!?'

‘Please don’t lecture me, I really can’t take it.’

'Look at you. You're a mess! I suppose you were out with that weirdo Frank, again.'

'It's none of your business.'

'What's going on with you? You know you’re already on thin ice – don’t think just because you saved the day winning over that contract that you can behave anyway you like.’ She paused for a moment and her green eyes grew into small slits. ‘You haven’t been right for weeks – ever since that meeting you went on with Ethan. Did something happen?’

My stomach threw a somersault, making the nausea worse.  'No it didn’t. Why do you ask?’

'It doesn’t take rocket science to see you two are avoiding each other. I’m right aren’t I?’

'I don't feel well, please just go away.’

'I knew it! Something happened didn’t it? Tell me!’

‘Nothing happened, not that I remember anyway.’

'You're not going to get away with it that easily, you can talk to me.’

 'He has a girlfriend anyway.' 

‘Really? How do you know?’

'Just leave me alone, Imogen.’

There was a short silence and then I felt her rub my shoulder. 'Go home. I will cover for you.' she whispered.

‘You’d do that? What are you going to say?’

'I will tell her you picked up a bug or something, go. I will call you later.'

'Thanks, Imogen. I owe you one.’

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