Chapter 16 - Dress Shopping

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Over the next few weeks, I spent a lot of time helping Emily plan her wedding. 

*Eight weeks later*

We went to a expensive and glamorous hotel. This is where Emily and Connor wanted their wedding.

"Hi, I was wonderin what dates you have free for a wedding? Preferably within the next month? We really want to get married!" Emily explained to the woman behind the desk. James ahd driven us here. All the boys could drive now as they had had loads of lessons within the last two months.

"We have March the 30th free? That's the earliest one?" The woman said. It was March the 10th now. 

"I'll take it!" Emily squealed. She started jumping up and down. We spent the next three hours planning the venue and what it would look like. She decided that the actual service would be in the massive hall in the hotel and that it would have rows of chairs ang would be covered in white - white flowers, white curtains, white decorations..

"Thank you so much for your help, you have my number so ring me with the price and stuff! Byeeee!" Emily said to the receptionist before we left.

James was still waiting outside for us. We ran over to the car - a silver VW. I got in the front and Emily got in the back.

"How'd it go?" James asked. As if the look on Emily's face didn't alreadfy explain..?

"It was amazing! 30th of March! Oh. My. God! This is actually happening!" She squealed again. 

When we got back to Emily and Connor's new house (they had bought it straight after the engagement) we rushed in and told Connor the good news. James followed us behind. 

"Right, lets go dress shopping!" Emily giggled. "And you can't come Connor!" Emily squealed turning to Connor, who pulled her close and kissed her passionately. Eventuallythey pulled apart and me, Emily and James rushed back to the car. James didn't really mind driving us around.

We got the post code for the dress shop off the internet and put it in the satnav. We got there within half an hour. James stayed in the car again while we went in and went crazy.

The dresses were stunning. Every single one of them! 

"First, your dress!" I squealed, racing over to the brides section. Emily spotted a dress straight away and fell in love with it. She literally wouldn't leave it.

"I want this oneeee, I love it!" She kept repeating. Someone who worked there came over with two glasses of champagne for us. 

"Right, do you want to try it on?" The friendly assistant asked.

"Oh my god yes!" Emily squealed. 

We all walked over to the changing room, me and the assistant sat on the chairs outside while Emily tried it on. She came out. WOW. She completely suited the dress. It was white and long and had a lacy pattern on the sleeves. 

"YESSSS!" Emily shouted. There was only us in the shop so it didn't make much difference.

So that was that, the bride's dress was sorted. 

Now for the bridesmaids.

"Right, well I was thinking maybe the bridesmaids could have long light purple dresses?" Emily explained.

The assistant took us to the other side of the shop where there was a range of light purple long dresses. Decision time. But no, once again, Emily was completely in love with a certain dress. And it was gorgeous.

We gave the assistant everyone's dress sizes and they said they would have the dresses sorted within three weeks.

We left the shop and got back in the car.

"I've decided on the best man and the maid of honour. The best man is Tom Fletchers---" She started to say before being cut off by me gasping.

"You mean the real Tom Fletcher?" I gasped.

"Yeah! Me and Connor have been seeing them loads lately, we're really good friends!" Emily said, "anyway, back to the maid of honour - it's gonna be Vicky!" 

"Sounds awesome!" I said.

"And me and Connor have sorted the rings, and us two have already planned the flowers, and my parents are coming down tomorrow to see me and thenwe've planned the cake and ordered it, the venue is booked. Now we have 20 days to go. This is going to be perfect!" Emily screeched with happiness.

We drove home and by the time we got back it was getting late. 

"Hey, you guys can stay over?" Connow suggested. 

"You sure?" James asked, holding my hand tight.

"Yeah, we've got an extra room! And you did leave your pyjamas here the last time!" Emily said. We all laughed.

"Okay then!" I said. 

We all had a movie night, staying up extremely late. At four in the morning, we decided to go to bed.

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