Chapter 6 - See You Soon

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We watched six DVDs, and before we knew it, it was half eight. James rang and ordered a pizza, and I texted Emily.

'Hey, what you been up to? I've had a movie day with James, now getting pizza, if ya wanna join? See ya soon x'

She replied five minutes later...

'Just been with Connor all day, had an amazing time. Can't come over, me and Connor are going to the cinema;) see ya, enjoy it x'

The pizzas arrived, and we sat and watched a horror film. I didn't find it that scary. Probably because I didn't watch it. I was too busy staring at James' perfect face. He looked at me, and I quickly turned away, pretending I hadn't been staring at him. 

"Enjoying the film there?" He asked sarcastically, and I looked back at him and put my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head gently, before getting up and going for a drink. "Want a cuppa?" He asked me.

"Sure, one sugar and milk!" I shouted back. 

He came back with two cups of tea and some jaffa cakes (my favourite). We ate them and drank the tea, before watching the film again. I fell asleep on the sofa.

The next morning, I woke up in my own room. I walked into the living room, expecting James to be there. But he wasn't. I walked into the kitchen, finding a note stuck to the fridge door.

'I'll be back soon, gone to Sainsbury's, love you Jen xxx'

He had written it in a rush, I could tell by how it looked.

I looked in the fridge, but there was no milk or food. Oops..maybe I should be more organised?

I waited for a while, before James came back.

"Morning beautiful!" He said, walking in.

"Morning, did you sleep over?" I asked.

"Yeah, stayed on the couch, you fell asleep on me. I carried you back to your room, then slept o the sofa." He said, filling the fridge with new food.

"You didn't have to go and get all that!" I said, suprised by how much there was.

"I don't care Jen, you had no food and I wouldn't let you starve.." He laughed. I laughed too. "What we doing today?" 

"I don't know, anything?" I replied.

"Well, I need to see Brad some time this week, the sooner the better, so we could go see him, and I can ask him to bring Shay?" He suggested.

"Sure!" I squealed, excited that I was getting to see them again.

We arranged for Brad and Shay to come over to James' apartment. Before we went back there, I had a shower, and got ready and James did his hair. We went in his apartment, which I'd never been in. It was set out differently to mine - a lot bigger, and seperate rooms for the kitchen, dinging room and living room. I sat down on the sofa, while he got changed in the bathroom. He came out, looking stunning once again. Brad and Shay arrived on time, and came in. Shay came and sat with me, and we were talking straight away.

"So, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm sixteen, what about you?" Shay said.

"Sixteen! What do you study?" I asked.

"Art and photography. And I have a part time job in a restaurant in London!" She said. 

"Oh really! I love art, but I also study history and some hard maths stuff. I only moved here four days ago, though, so it's all quite new!" I explained.

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