The Children Of Lupa

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Over the past couple of days, I've learned that there are children of Hermes, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Athena here. I still don't know Alex and Kate's godly parent though. I decide to go ask Kate. I find her sitting in front of the treehouse we are sharing, for now, dangling her legs over the edge. I sit next to her. She looks up and smiles,

"Hey Percy", she says. I can't help but smile back.

"Hey Kate I was wondering, who is yours and Alex's godly parent", I ask. She looks at me biting the inside of her lip.

"Lupa", she answers. I nod.

"Wait that means", I stop myself.

"Alex and I were born werewolves, we were never bitten, but since our dad was human we are demigods", Kate explains.

"That's really cool," I say and smile. Kate smiles back.

"I guess", she says shyly.

"So why aren't you Lupa's pack", I ask. Kate looks at me with these sad eyes and I immediately regret asking.

"When I was two Lupa abandoned us, Alex had to raise me on his own", Kate explains.

"Why would Lupa abandon you", I ask.

"She's supposed to be a maiden goddess, I guess Alex and I are just mistakes, we aren't supposed to exist", she says. I don't like Kate being sad I want to cheer her up.

"Well according to the all-powerful gods' none of us are supposed to exist. I mean we are demigods who are werewolves", I say smiling. "we defy the almighty gods that can't catch us just by living", I say and start laughing. Kate starts laughing too. I find out that she and Alex haven't found any extra abilities besides their werewolf ones. Mine has finally started working. Werewolves have advanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. Why would the gods abandon us now? Why is it so bad that Lupa left her own pups to die?    

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