The Beach

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(Percy Pov)

Breakfast was the same as dinner yesterday, glances and whispering, that thanks to our werewolf senses, we can still hear. Afterward, we all sit at the edge of the woods, watching the camp, not sure what we're supposed to do. The rest of the camp seems to be trying to avoid us. We just sit there for a couple of hours. I've never seen the pack so still and quiet. No one is moving much, it's like they're hardly breathing. It's unnerving to see wolves sit so still when usually they can barely keep themselves from at least tapping a foot. It's not natural and it needs to change, we can still be ourselves here.

"Alright," I say while standing up, catching the pack's attention, "who wants to go swimming?" They're hesitant at first, not wanting to have to walk through the camp, but Alex seems to understand what I am trying to do.

"Yeah, we'll make a day out of it. Do you think the kitchens will hook us up with some lunch to go," he asks. I grin at his support and nod. The rest of the pack slowly agrees after Kate stands up with me, grabbing my hand.

Awhile later and with multiple baskets of food and blankets, we walk towards the beach, the girls wearing clothes over their suits, doing our best to ignore the stares that follow us. As soon as my feet hit the sand I'm pulling my shirt off and running into the water. A couple of splashes tell me that some of the pack has followed me in. I look back up to shore and see Alex and Kate laying out the blankets. Ollie and Hannah are walking hand in hand along the waters shore. And Henry and Kayden are making laying the blankets out difficult as they're trying to lay on them before Kate and Alex have them all the way on the ground. Chloe and Jackie had followed me into the water and were currently splashing at each other.

"Kate, come on," I call, a little bit of a whine in my voice. She shakes her head grinning before stripping down to her turquoise bathing suit and walking towards me. I grin, gods shes beautiful. A splash directed at me, courtesy of Jackie, distracts me from watching Kate as I try for revenge. Something wraps around my ankle and yanks me under the surface. As I resurface I'm greeted by a laughing Kate.

"Thanks for the help Jackie," she shouts gleefully.

"My pleasure," she responds chuckling. My eyebrows raise.

"You planned that," I question.

"Maybe," Kate grins.

"Well," I say, "you're going to have to pay for that one." I go to grab her and she dives under the water, evading me. Chuckling, I dive in after her, quickly catching up to her. When I do catch her I throw her over my shoulder, loving the sound of her laugh and knowing the one place she's ticklish.

"You're mine now," I tell her, tickling the insides of her thighs. Her laughing increasing, she struggles to get out of my grip. Since she's wet from swimming she's finally able to slip out of my grip and slide into the water. The rest of the pack is laughing at our antics.

At the end of the day, we're all lying on the beach, waiting for the sunset. All of our heads turn when we hear approaching footsteps. Annabeth and a boy who looks to be a son of Apollo are walking towards us. Kate releases a soft growl at the sight of them.

Let me explain something about werewolves really quick, we're extremely protective and very possessive. So Kate being in the same proximity as my ex who broke my heart is not going to happen peacefully. The boy actually looks surprised to see us and nods his head in a polite silent greeting. Annabeth, however, looks disgusted.

"What are you doing on our beach," she demands, eliciting a growl from Alex who will always protect his pack, no matter the threat.

"Didn't see your name on it," I respond. Her gaze shifts to me and my arm tighten around Kate as she tenses, ready to show Annabeth her place. The boy is doing his best to pull Annabeth away. Smart kid, I actually feel bad for him too, wonder how he ended up with her, last I knew she was dating a son of Aries. They turn to leave, the boy looking relieved, but Annabeth looks back.

"You monsters will never be accepted here. All you can feel is hate and lust, you're not even decent people anymore. We don't want you here."

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