The Promise CH 2

859 23 4

(Y/N) P.O.V

I then push my self forward yelling "JAZZ NO!"

BreakDown then yanks me back and i bow my helm

"Huh! So you do know this bot" Megatron said

I then get flashes of when me and Jazz met and memories start pouring in

Memory (Y/N) P.O.V

Optimus gides me to the base and i see the team that i was excited to meat but at the same time i was scared out of my wits

The first bot i met was bee then i met Jazz then Iron but forsome reason Rachet was last

I was still trying to get over what happen on Cybertron

Once ironhide got mad at me and punched me in the faceplate and it got so bad i stormed off crying

I didnt know what to do so i ran to the middle of nowhere and sat there wondering why was i alive

But Jazz found me and i said to him "everyone i touch ends up dieing!" Jazz then said "i wont die i promise! And Jazz never brakes Promises"



"Jazz you dirty liar!" I said wile crying i then look up "you promised me! And you said you never broke your promises!" I yelled out

Megatron smiled and looked down at Jazz witch was looking at the floor

Megatron let off a small chuckle "now. now. No one can keap a promise. Well not for long" Megatron said

Megatron then picked up Jazz by his neck

"Im sorry (Y/-" Jazz was suddenly interrupted by Megatron stabing his sword in to his spark chamber

"JAZZ!!" I yelled with tears falling down my faceplate

I close my opticals and fall to my knees and bowed my helm i didnt want to do anything i just wanted to lay there and die

I then hear Megatron drop Jazz's lifeless body on to the ground

I then hear him walk to me he then gets on to one knee and graped the bottom of my faceplate makeing me look at him and said "try to escape again and ill find another one of your teammates and kill them in front of you. got that!"

I turn away not wanting to answer Megatron then got up

"SoundWave get Jazz out of here" Megatron ordered

Megatron then looked at KnockOut and BreakDown

"Get (Y/N) back to her cell" Megatron ordered

BreakDown yanked me up on to my pads

We then walked out I stared at the ground thinking and trying not to cry

"What? no more jokes" KnockOut laughed

i glared at KnockOut then looked back down at the ground

"Aww Megatron broke her" BreakDown teased

I didn't want to talk not after what happened to Jazz

I couldn't shake the feelimg that all of this was my fault

BreakDown and KnockOut talked back and forth about somebody call DarkSkies

I didn't pay much attention to them

but then I see something at the corner of my optic I look over and see a figure run out of sight

Stare down the hallway I saw it in we then pass the hallway

I then look forward and see the cell corders

we walk towards a door then KnockOut puts in a code on a pad next to the door

After a second or two the door opens then BreakDown throws me in

I Trip and face plant in to the floor i stay there on the with my faceplate on the ground unable to get up with my servolock

BreakDown and KnockOut laughed then the door slid closed

(Sorry for the long wait and the short CH i lost WIFI over at my moms house and i am unable to update fir a wile but thx for waiting)

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