Khianna's P.O.V
It's been a month of boring lessons and endless worry.
Why ?
Because Ed went missing two whole weeks ago.
Its no secret I like him, he finally asks me out and the day after our date he just up and dissappears.
It all went down like this. . .
Tomorrow night was Jake and I's annual party. We threw it as a way to sort of say a gigantic 'Fuck You' to our parent's assistants because we always planned it for the night before they got back from whatever business trip they went on.
Don't get me wrong this isn't a spoiled neglected rich kid act or anything its just that Kim and Ray; the assistants, were very cruel to us. Especially when we were younger.
Anyways the party was planned the invites were sent. All the way, three towns over were coming. We were gonna meet up at the Starbucks: Me, Ed n Em, Jake and a couple of his friends. Once we'd sorted out everything and set off, Ed took me to the side.
He was just staring at me, an intense stare which was starting to make me a bit uncomfortable.
I was just turning to leave when his arm shot out spinning me 'round to look at him.
"I know you like me" he stated simply, folding his arms, leaning against the wall smirk in place.
"What makes you think that ?" I retorted.
Next thing I knew I was against the wall caged in by his arm. "Go out with me ?" He said leaning closer. "When ?" I managed to get out. "Tomorrow" he whispered, "but the party" I answered.
Leaning even closer, he placed a butterfly kiss underneath my ear and whispered "Ditch it"
"If anyone was looking at us they'd think we were having a make-out session in an alleyway." I thought out loud apparently because Ed then replied.
"You really gotta stop doing that princessa"
I was about to reply when we heard a crash. Ed looked behind him, cursed out before turning back to me.
With guarded eyes and a sweet smile he closed the little distance between us giving a proper kiss and then, he was gone. Just like that.
Party day now,
Emma, Talia and my sister Skye were with me all day whipping up what they deemed the perfect date outfit that also just happened to be the perfect party outfit.
It was around 8.30 when Ed pulled up. We'd gone to the bowling alley even though he couldn't bowl for shit, just because i'd said it was my idea of a perfect date when I was eleven.
Something he reminded me of when we got there.
Next we went sky diving in a wind tunnel because I described falling in love as an equivalent.
Your falling hard and fast but you feel like your flying, until you hit the ground, that is.
We were gonna go to the park by my house when I got a call.
"You only ever call me keeks when something bad has happened. What happened Emma ?!"
"It's Jake" she choked out obviously crying.
Stupidly enough I didn't have the sense to worry at first and asked "What did the arse do now ?"

Fanfiction"Where are we going?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" "You don't have to wait for me but you can't just take me" "Why not?" He is just the stranger who stayed with her all night on a park bench. The mystery comforter with the forest eyes. The haunting...