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"What are you doing ?"

Just great I'm having the worst day ever and he shows up. This can't be happening!

"I'm not in the mood to talk with you Ryder! Don't you think you've done enough damage !!!"

"I'm not Ryder" turning towards him I replied "Oh you aren't-"
"No I'm not" he interrupted smiling . "-You're not ryder your worse, you're a stranger and I don't want to talk to you. I want to be alone."

Turning away, from his side of the bench, again I attempted to stop the few stubborn tears still staining my cheeks.

"Why're you crying?" he asked. "Are you deaf I literally just said I wanted to be alone !" I snapped out when "Ok, lets be alone together" and my words died on my tongue.

"Well I'm not one to sit on benches in the dark, with handsome strangers, in silence" I muttered once I regained my ability to speak, realising what I said however I started to blush furiously.

Embarrassed that I just called a stranger handsome and thanking God that I was mixed race on the slightly darker side so my embarassment wouldn't be too visible, in the dark.

"That's too bad then because I'm not one to leave pretty girls crying on park benches at night" he challenged, bringing me out of my thoughts and into his eyes.

They were green like mine but with strikes of gold and flecks of blue. Ringed with brown. Unique.

It was like running through a forest and looking at it in the same moment, it was ... indescribable.

That all went down when I was 12 years old going on thirteen. It's safe to say I was a right bratty bitch.

I'm seventeen now though and I've only just lost the bitch part of that equation.

Anyways the point is I'll never forget that night because I only ever talked to my strange comforter twice after that; once at Aunty Tammy's wedding when I was 14 and again at the mall with Emma and Edward on my 16th.

Both E's I know but what can I say I've a knack for attracting weird coincidences.

We talked of course, at Aunty Tammy's wedding, he took me outside of the hall into the garden and gave me his number.

Never his name

We didn't talk at the mall, I was alone with Edilio

(Edward and yes even my nicknames are creative. )

Emma had just disappeared off with a friend.

Me and Ed were giving each other death squeezes and I'd just been giving Ed a hug, when I saw him.

I didn't even see his full face, he looked extremely angry a force to be reckoned with, unrecognisable  but I knew it was him.

Only he has those eyes that haunt me every day and night.

Those eyes that see into your soul without revealing a thing.

Those eyes that could tell you a million stories and express a millions pictures with great detail  but still leave you more confused than ever.

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