Dinner With Michael

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AN - this was a prompt I had to use for a school journal. Hope you enjoy!

I wait on my front porch for my boyfriend to arrive. "He's only three minutes late." I say to myself as I look at the passing cars. Finally one pulls up, and I smile huge; it's the one and only Michael Clifford from the band 5 Seconds of Summer. But not only is it Michael, it is his band mates as well; you could call them his "wingmen" if you wanted. I giggled to myself and made my way to his car as he gets out and gets my door with a huge grin on his face. "Hey, Babe. I hope you don't mind that I brought my mates alone for the ride." I smile at him and get into his car. Once he gets in I wave to his band mates and look at Michael and say, "That's perfectly fine, babe, you know I love these boys!" As soon as michael and I buckle up, we start our journey to a restaurant called Alta Strada, in the Foxwoods casino. On our ride there we all laugh and makes jokes about what color Michaels hair is going to be next. After our nonstop laughing, we finally arrive to the casino and Michael finds the perfect spot to park. Once the car is parked, everyone gets out and we all make our way into the casino in our snazzy looking clothes. Michael holds my hand tightly and gets up to the podium. "Two tables reserved for Clifford, please." He says with a smile. The waitress leads us to our tables; Michael and I at one table, and the rest of the boys at the other.
After the waitress got Michael and I drinks, we sat and chatted for quite a bit. Right before the food comes I end up becoming very quiet and I look down at my lap, sadly. I softly speak up, "Mikey..? When are you going back on tour..?" He looks to me and reaches over the table and lifts up my chin and speaks in a calm voice, "Not for a while honey, don't you worry. You won't be alone. I can promise you that!" I look into his eyes and nod, praying that when he goes on tour that he will take me along with him. Once we order our dinner the laughs and giggles start to errupt from the table behind us. It's the rest of the band, Ashton, Luke and Calum. Calum laughs once again and speaks a bit loud, "Oh my god, do you remember the time Michael went on stage and his pants split down the middle??" he laughs a bit loudly. I look back over to them and question Calum, "What the heck are you guys talking about?" Calum explains a bit quieter and chuckles as he speaks. I softly roll my eyes as Michael and I's food arrives to our table. I speak up, "So, Mikey, what are you actually gonna dye your hair next?" I smile softly and hold his hand over the table. He smirks softly and begins to speak "I was thinking abo-" He gets cut off by Ashton, "Well! He told us that he was going to dye his hair the color of his "wifey's"!" Ashton laughs while Michael has a crimson blush on his face. "Is that what you call me Mikey?" I laugh, Michael nods and continues to blush. "That's completely right, my love." "That's so cute Mikey," I giggle, "so your hair is going to be like...orangish?" "You're right, babe! I love the color of your hair! It's so freaking cool!!" Michael smiles huge and chuckles, "It's just like fire!! And fire is so hot!" I roll my eyes playfully and finish my salad as all the other boys finish their meals. Michael pulls out his wallet and pays for everyone, and he gets an array of "Thank you's" from the boys and myself.
Once everything is payed for, we all make our way back to Michael's car. I stroll beside Michael holding his hand and swinging it lightly, "Thank you so much for tonight, I had such an amazing time." He smiles huge and kisses my cheek, "It was a pleasure, darling. I had an amazing time as well with you. Just like every other day." He continues to smile as we make it to the car and he gets my door so I can get in. I get into the passenger side of the car, smiling, "You're such a gentleman." I let out a small giggle while everyone gets situated in the car. After the boys and I were buckled up, we made our way back to my house so Michael could drop me off. In the meantime we were all jamming out to Twenty One Pilots and making more jokes. By the time we got back to my house I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. "Thank you all for tonight, I hope we can do this again sometime before you go touring." I lean over and give Michael a small kiss before I get out of the car. I get out and make my way up to my door, I look over my shoulder at them, and they're all smiling like idiots. "Oh no...What's wrong now?" I laugh, as Michael rolls the window down. "I LOVE YOU!" He calls out with a giant grin on his face, I call back to him. "I love you too, Michael. Have a good night boys!!" I unlock my door and go into my house, shutting the door behind me. "That was the best date of my entire life." I let out with a happy sigh.

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