So many problems

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"So what is it?" I asked Warren as I approached his car. I sat on the hood of the car.

 This better be important for all I care.

 "Well you know.." Warren scratched the back of his neck, "I kinda like Kate."


  "That's.. IT?" I said aggravated.

  "Well yeah, I was going to ask her out but she is always crying. She never talks to anyone anymore." Warren insisted.

  Now I have three problems on my hands. Great. JUST GREAT. Kate's depression. Warren and most importantly, Chloe.

  (This part will now be told from Chloe's perspective.) 

   I sat on my bed and blew up another joint. Seeing if Max would stop texting her "boyfriend" Warren. I liked to tease her though.

   I went over to my radio and put a Hi-Fi CD in. I blasted it so loud. I wanted to drown in the music.

   "Chloe?" I heard step-douche pounding on my door, "Can you turn off the music? I need to talk to you."

   So I went over to the radio and turned it off and opened the door for my "dad" I was supposed to call him. Never. I sat down on the bed and he sat down with me.

   "Chloe I have a serious question. Please answer honestly." David said.

   Oh great. It was going to be: Are you a virgin? or: Do you snort cocaine? Damn David was stupid. The answer to the first one is a no. and the second one also a no.

   "Alright.. Ask away." I insisted.

   "Well- Now im trying to be a decent step-dad and please forgive me if i'm not. Now here's the question: Are you g-gay?" He hesitated. He looked out the window and towards the bird sitting on the window.

   I didn't want to tell a lie. But I also didn't- or you could say I wasn't really ready to tell him.

   David looked around at all my posters. Studying my room. He saw the pictures of girls half-naked. Awkward.

   "Well... Well.. Yes- Yes I am." I felt proud to say it.

   Step-douche got up and looked around my floor. H e also the nudey mags scattered across my floor. But damn were those girls hot. He then left the room. I was once again left alone in my bitter cold world. My life sucked without Max, or Rachel. My phone suddenly buzzed. It was Max. Yasss. Im such a child.

  Max: Hey Chloe, I just wanted to check in on you. You were acting up earlier ever since I mentioned Warren.

  Me: Yeah I'm chill now. Are you still with ur bf?

  Max: Chloe! I don't even like him. I like someone else. I don't even like boys that much. I like both but more so girls.  

  Me: Really? Who?

  Max: Well- it's uh complicated...

  Me: You can tell me anything Max.

  Max: Well can you meet me at the lighthouse? I actually have something to tell you. Oh and are you going to tell me what you didn't get to say at the lighthouse?

  Me: Of course :)

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