p l e a s e e a t

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Gerard looked at himself in the mirror.

He was naked.

His scars, stretch marks and imperfections all on display.

His stomach poking out slightly.

He was pale, with a few freckles here and there.

His hair was black, standing out against his pale body.

And Gerard saw it as ugly.

His stomach too large, his skin too pale.

So he started to starve himself.

He thought he had had his boyfriend fooled, but Frank knew.

Gerard didn't eat dinner anymore.

He skipped out on pancakes for breakfast.

He stopped drinking coffee.

He stopped being Gerard.

Frank was sad.

He cried himself to sleep after Gerard had fallen asleep.

He stared at the empty fridge when Gerard wasn't home.

Frank was scared.

He was scared that Gerard was going to die.

So he sat him down.

And they talked.

Gerard hated his body.

Frank was in love.

Because it's not Gerard's body that he loves, but it's the shell he's inside of.

But Gerard's body is a plus.

Frank tried to explain how beautiful Gerard was.

His hair wasn't too greasy, it was soft and nice to play with.

His stomach was beautiful, it was round and cute.

His face was adorable, his features soft and feminine.

Frank adored him.

So Gerard promised to eat.

But he didn't.

He continued to starve.

He continued to hurt himself.

And Frank was hurting too.

So Frank sat him down once more.

But this time, Gerard didn't have a piece of Gerard left in him.

He was overtired, too skinny and the bags under his eyes were larger than the bags of groceries Frank bought nowadays.

He wasn't even pale, he was green.

Gerard was dying.

and Frank needed to save him.

So Frank looked Gerard in the eyes.

And began to cry.

He began to lose himself.

Frank cried until he couldn't breathe.

He wouldn't let Gerard touch him.

Because there was no Gerard left.

Just a skinny arm, made up of pure bone and barley skin, around his shoulders.

But then he heard something.

Frank heard the words he'd wanted to hear.

I'll get better Frankie, I'll get better for you, I promise.

And so Frank held him to his promise.

Gerard ate dinner with Frank that night.

They watched Dracula and ate popcorn too.

And Frank didn't cry himself to sleep that night, he held Gerard in his arms.

Gerard ate pancakes the next day and drank coffee.

They had sex that day and Frank made Gerard look at himself in the mirror.

He made Gerard see how beautiful he really was.

And finally, Gerard understood.

Because Frank didn't love him because of how he looked.

Frank loved him because he was himself.

And so Gerard loved himself too.




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