I hear a lot of people asking others why people are depressed or suicidal even when they come from seemingly good homes. Well, the way I see it is like this: we all have that voice in our head, you know, the one telling you to do it, to end it all. The one telling you that you're worthless. The one telling you that nobody would miss you, yeah, that one. It's hard to explain, this whole thing, this darkness, the thoughts haunting you at night, but I'm going to try. This is my story: my battle with depression. I bet that you're wondering why I'm telling you this, it's simple: I'm telling you this to help you understand people like me. The people that take their lives, or the ones that want to.
Randomthis is a story about a teenager, they have no name, no face, no gender. well, at least that's what it's like for them. this is a story about their battle, fighting depression, that is. this my friends, is what depression is like to them.