Chapter 2

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"Get up" a rough voice shakes me out of my sleep. I immediately get up and walk out of the tent, "Lexa commands to see you" Penn the (grounder who showed me to my room yesterday) informed me. He motioned towards the largest building in Tondc where I met Lexa yesterday and I walked over there and was let in by the guard who was guarding the building.

"Clarke" Lexa said as a way greeting,

"Lexa" I replied

"You will be working with Nyko today in the healing room, You must help him and tell him the ways of the sky clan's healing" I nod and I'm escorted out of the room by Penn who gestured towards a small building which appeared to be the food building, it looked very new thanks to fin who burnt the previous food hut down.

I walked inside and I was handed a small portion of food by a grounder - it was a bit of cooked steak, I went and sat on a log to eat my breakfast, as I was eating someone sat down next to me, I looked over and saw that it was Nyko, last time I saw him he tried to kill Lincoln, he was doing it for what he believed were the right reasons but I am still a little weary of him. "Hi" he greeted me in his deep voice. "Hey Nyko" I replied. "Indra informed me that you would be working with me in the healing hut today" he said. "You must eat and dress quickly and then meet me in the healing hut, you will find clothes in your hut, do not take long." He told me and he walked away.

I finished up what was left of the steak as fast as possible and I walked into the building I slept in last night, to find grounder clothes lying on the furs I was sleeping in, I quickly changed and left the building and I found the healing hut, it can't really be called a hut, it was a large building - easily the second biggest in Tondc, when I entered there was a main room which Nyko was in with a corridor at the back of the room which lead to about a dozen different smaller rooms. "Come with me" Nyko commanded as he headed towards the closest room to the right in the corridor "This is the supply room" he informed me as I looked around, it had shelves and shelves of different things, there was seaweed, elixirs that looked like the one Lincoln had shown us to heal Finn all those weeks ago, it feels like it has been years since we came down to earth but in reality it has been little under a month. "come" Nyko said and walked back into the main room which I had entered when I walked in. "This is where we heal most injuries, if the injuries are serious and they will need to lie down or stay here for a while they are taken to the 6 rooms on the left. What is in the other 5 rooms I asked Nyko as I pointed over to them. "Other rooms, they are controlled by Lexa and you don't need to know what's in them"

After we had been healing for around 5 hours Indra entered the healing hut, "we have a reaper strapped up, you must turn him back into a grounder now" I am a little unsure about turning reapers back into grounders since I do not have the electrocuting wand (A/N I don't know what it is called sorry so I will call it that, comment the real name if you want and I will change it) that Mum used to bring back Lincoln and I would hate to think of what would happen to me if I accidentally killed the reaper, since last time I failed to save a grounder Finn and I were nearly killed and I would prefer a repeat of that not to happen.

"I do not have the proper equipment" I informed Indra and Nyko.

"You better heal him without it then, because you would not like to know the consequences of failing to do so" Indra told me.

"Consequences of failing to do what?" Lexa asks as she enters the healing hut.

"I cannot heal the reaper without an electrocuting wand and the only ones that are on earth are back at camp Jaha" I tell Lexa.

"Lies" Indra scorns "She is just telling you this so she can go back to her precious camp Jaha, there is more of this sky people technology on earth"

"Clarke is this true?" Lexa questions me, like always she has her poker face on and it is impossible to tell what she is thinking but Indra is the opposite, she is staring at me with hate.

"No, the only electrocuting wands on earth are at camp Jaha" I tell Lexa,

"Let me persuade her to be a little more honest" Indra Suggests to Lexa.

Lexa just looks at me with her poker face and says "Clarke, camp Jaha isn't the only group of people who came down from the ark, they are though the first group that we know of that has survived, as far as we know the rest are dead, but some equipment could be scavenged including the electrocuting wand. I was shown into one of the rooms that I had asked Nyko about (one of the ones he said were under Lexa's control) and I was given a electrocuting wand, the turning of a reaper back to a grounder went well with no problems. "He was the last of the living reapers from mount weather" I was informed by Indra. Why she told me that, I have no idea.

"Clarke come with me" Lexa said as she motioned for me to follow her out of the room. "Clarke, do you know what a warriors second is?" she questioned.

"Yes" I said but I said it more as a question about why she was asking.

"Would you like to be mine?"

A/N Over 1000 words and next chapter will have even more,

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