Chapter 4

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I continued work on healing the grounders till the sun started setting and Lexa came in. "Time for training, she told me. I wonder what training will be like.

When we approached the area that was obviously the training area, I heard a voice "Hi Clarke" I turned and saw a face I thought I would never see again.


"Octavia?" I asked, "Why are you here?"

"Well at the moment i'm here to train, but you are probably wondering why I am at TonDc. You see I do love my brother and camp Jaha but I still want to train with the grounders and prove to them that we are not the enemy" Suddenly something clicked, She is probably here because of Lincoln, there are still people that do not trust him at camp Jaha since he is a grounder and he would probably have a chance of being welcomed back here and Octavia is probably here because this is his tribe and that's what she would do to be with him. "Lincoln?" I ask.

"Is being allowed to come back here on the condition he spy's for Lexa if something happens" she told me. "But nothing will happen like that" she quickly rushes to say.

"More importantly, why did you leave without saying goodbye, Bell has been worried and so has everyo—" Octavia was cut off by Indra clearing her throat and shooting Octavia a warning look "Clarke is here now and that is final, there will be no more talk about her old life!" Lexa says.

"Now lets get on with training, that is of course why we are here" Octavia says. We walk over to the center of the massive training grounds and Octavia moves to stand in front of me "You will be training with Octavia to start off with until you improve enough to be able to train with one of the grounder warriors" Indra informs me as Lexa leaves. "Octavia go easy on her and do not draw blood, Clarke is not good enough" she says with a scornful voice while she is looking down at me.

I am stronger than she thinks, I'll show her, I've been through lots, Well nothing that prepared me for that obviously. After training I was left bruised, battered and tired but I didn't show weakness. I walked over to the fire and sat beside Octavia. "Hi" I said. She nodded to me in return.

"When are you going to leave?" Octavia asked me

"What?!" I asked, confused. Why would I return, I made a choice to leave, this is my home now.

"You know, return to camp Jaha, Everyone misses you Clarke. Bell is so worried and so is you moth-"

"-No" I inturuppted, "I am not going back there, I am fine where I am. Now if you will excuse me I am going to my hut" with that I got up and started walking when Octavia started speaking "You know, i hate you, I told you that when the war was over we wouldn't be friends and don't get me wrong Clarke, I. Hate. You." She said slowly, her voice dripping with hate "Why do you think I was being nice to you? You think I forgave you. You don't deserve forgiveness Clarke. I was trying to be nice to you for one reason Clarke. One reason. Do you know what that is Clarke? Bell misses you, he blames himself but at the same time you and him made a promise when you pulled that lever, You promised to do it together, together you would pull the leaver and together you should have dealt with the pain! But did you? No. you ditched him and left him broken."

I felt tears cloud my vision, "I DID THE RIGHT THING OK? I LEFT SO I WOULDN'T HURT ANYONE ANYMORE" I screamed

"Well, you did and even worse than you did before because last time there was a reason, this time you were just being selfish" I heard her say as I walked away


Ok so basically this stinks and i am probably going to completely re-write it and it is not going to end up like that so im sorry but i still owe you a update so i thought i would put this up as i rewrite it.

If you want that chapter then plz comment by tomorrow and  i will keep it.

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