Chapter Four- Team???

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Blaze and Dean shared secrets and stories about each other... Eventhough Dean was always at Rochelle's side,and would only ask for advice whenever from Blaze when they're in a fight. It was okay to Blaze because that's the way its supposed to be. Supporting no matter what descission your partner makes.

But still, she was upset that Dean said that about her. About her attitude. She hated him. She hated them both. Her mother finally spoke...

"You girls are fighting infront of me. I dont want to see you fighting infront of me. Were a time. If people sees you fighting they will be happy that were crashing down. I dont want that. We have to be whole. We're a family" She would usually scold on them when they were fighting. Thank God she's being a little conciderate. Blaze told herself.

"Blaze..." their mother continued. "You're the one whose younger you should give respect to your sister" Rochelle cut her off "Oh no mom. She doesn't give a damn. And actually It's very unfair to me, that she could always walk out and go to her gimmicks and do not ask for permission? I myself text and even drops by and If mom doesn't approved, I don't go. Unlike this" She said glaring at Blaze

"I only go to my practices and dance rehersals. And those gimmick that youre talking are not gimmicks. And I ask for permission too, I go home too because my materials are here that's why I know that I go home everytime I have a practice. God! What is wrong with you?!" Blaze tried to deffend hersefl while cying. She was texting Jhon the whole time because she couldn't stand it just looking at them both while crying.

Jj I cant do this anymore

I just cant take it. I dont want this anymore.

Is it really me?

Hey Bab what's wrong?

Why does it always have to be me?

I can't stand being her sister.

She never humilliated me?! Never???? Really?!

I see what's going on. Of course Mom will be at her side

God! I hate life! What the fuck?

I can't do this anymore.

I can't . I've been going through everything this whole time ugh!

I can't.

Hey just tell me. okay??? What happend?



"Blaze, we're only concerned that you're growing up like that. And its not good. We dont want people talking about you in a wrong way..." Blaze shook her head slowly. Finding words to stand for herself but she couldn't everything was wrong. She knew she could deffend herself but she's being blocked by thinking of her sister's advanteges...about how her sister can pretend about how calm she speaks and putting up things that happend a long time ago.

"When you're going to borrow Rochelle's stuff, you should always ask permission" Armina continued. "We've only got the three of us. Blaze, when you realize youre already taking it too far from your sister you should control yourself. You should never be in a tone or act like you're older with your sister. When you we're younger, its fun amd entertaining talking to your older sisters like that. But now that you're a grown up, it's not. Okay? Your sister Marry... the only thing she did wrong was getting away with her boyfriend. And she only did that when she got older and mature. She never answered me in a tone."

Blaze is completely stabed by disbelief. She looked at herself with pure disgust. What the hell am I doing? She asked herself. I've just made myself look weak. Crying nonstop infront of them. God! I don't know what to do. My tears falling everywhere. And I cant stop them.

They were all distracted by a phone call.


"Hello? Meryl darling. What a surprise."

"Hi Armina, I'm just going to remind you about the party Amiga."

"Oh yes!. Your party. I'm sorry I forgot. But we'll be there in a moment. Thank you Amiga."

"Chow amiga!"


"Blaze, we have a party to attend to. Go get dressed." Her mother added. "You guys go. I don't want to leave home today." Blaze disapproved. "Blaze they already know that we're comming. Go get dressed." Her mother said with a tone. "Mom I said I don't want to go this time." Blaze pleaded. " Blaze, do you really want to give me that attitude of yours? I said go get dressed! My blood pressure will explode because of you!"

Blaze has nothing to do but go up stairs and prepare for what her mother calls a "party". She hated her for that. Her mom kne she had her eyes sore from crying and that she wasn't in the condition to go to a party.

It's embarassing. While preparing, she was still crying her heart out. Not realizing she have never cried this far. She thought she could handle herself well and fight through confrontations like this but where does she find herself? Forced to be going to a party with sored eyes and completely looked like what she calls "sh*t".


Hey sweeties! Did you hate Armina? Rochelle? Rochelle's friends? Or Blaze? What'll happen next? Sorry about the preview on the start :) VOTE! -G♡

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