Chapter 4

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That night after we went to the city, I kept on recalling all the things happened, that I can hardly go to sleep.

I imagined once more, the reason why I ended up buying a moderate expensive triangle neon-green two-piece.

Maria said that it was too sexy and I might seduce every boys there. I just laughed and I didn't know what to respond, cause all I just knew was that Lewis' being was kinda distracting me.

His fair skin, which was opposite to mine and I feel so ashamed about myself, his perfect Jaw, line, and all.

His smoking mysterious (Maria's description got it right) almond-shaped, hazel-brown eyes staring into mine and into my fluttering soul.

And his voice which kept on echoing in my ears, made me want to almost drool out.

I kept on asking, is this still normal? , I was not a great flirt for pete's sake, even when I was at Canada, but a hopeless romantic? Well, I admit, yes, maybe.

I really wanted to fall asleep already, so I made a note to myself:


The next morning, I woke up so shocked when Maria jumped right at me, damned it!

I forgot to set my alarm.

"As far as I'm concerned, you only got 45 minutes to prepare. Now go go! hurry up Senorita!" she shouted teasingly at me.

"Okay okay biyatch! just don't- don't jump at me again okay?" I finally said and ran to the bathroom.

A high waist acid-washed shorts, an off shoulder and chuck taylors were the only outfit I had worn really quick at that time.

I almost ran out of moment when mom spoke a lot of reminders to the both of us and I was like "Mom, I'll call you as soon as we get there, okay?".

Dad drove us to the gymnasium where the buses were waiting for everyone, I didn't bother to put makeup anymore except for grooming my brows and putting on my nude lipstick while we were inside the car.

" Gorgeous!"

Maria smirked and hissed at me, which made me laughed.

She was wearing a pullover cropped top, black shorts, oxford shoes and a touch of make-up. She really looked so beautiful, though she's already pretty even without make-up. With her fair skin tone, soft features and a toned body, who would wanna disagree with me, it's in our bloodline already. oops, kidding.

The gymnasium was not really far from our place, so dad drove slowly while listening to his favorite music, I got really no interest to his genre so I put on my headphones and started listening to my shuffled music.

When I met at you in summer

took my heartbeat sound..

We fell inlove as the leaves turned brown

Yeah we could be together babe

As long as skies are blue..

The song's really giving me the feels eh?, quiet teasing no? but I love Calvin Harris as much as I love Taylor Swift hehe.

Anyway, I pulled off my headphones because Maria shook me and dad said something I didn't hear.

"What was it again dad?" I said, looking at his back.

"Well, I haven't spoken this thing to you, since I left it all to your mom, so uhm.." he paused, and I was looking intendedly at him.

He cleared his throat.

"eherm! I just want you and you all be careful 'kay? The woods are unpredictable and sometimes vicious and obscure, but I trust you girls. Just don't- don't do stupid things while weren't around, and it's kinda like a good thing anyhow, you got the time to adventure yourself, and me and your mom could have an intimate alone-" I snapped out of him

" Dad!" and the three of us laughed.

We reached the gymnasium after almost 40 minutes and saw that there was only 1 bus left in the parking lot Holy crap! are we really late?! I nervously thought.

We hurriedly got out of the car and kissed dad goodbye and walked fast our way inside the bus.

Maria was kind of cussing, and spoke.

" Are they been waiting for us? As far as I know, they got 10 buses to fill in the savage teens, but why is there only one here.." Maria sounded pretty obviously nervous but I didn't say a word.

As soon as we got inside the bus, the air filled suddenly with silence and stares. Maria finally spoke to the bus driver.

I didn't really understand what they were saying so I roamed my eyes around this pretty huge bus and seeing the teenagers -with age bracket 15-20- back to their businesses.

But I got somehow disappointed when I didn't see Lewis and his group, sigh.. maybe they were on the other bus.

" Thank goodness, we weren't late, they are still waiting for few people. So I guess we should make our way to our seats on the very back now bella." Maria instructed and we took our seats.

" Hey, bell" Maria poked me and I looked at her.

"Why, you look glum, aren't you excited?" She asked, oh, am I really looking glum?

" Am I?" I reluctantly asked.

"Obviously.." and she rolled her eyes.

"But don't worry, Lewis and the boys, will be at the Eco Park Club if they aren't riding with us. . "

Wait.. what? I cast a what-are-you-talking-about face at her and arched my brow.

" No wait, It's not what you think Mar, you're getting it wr--" she cut me off

" Hep hep, Don't be too affected, I too wanna see Carlos eh.." she chuckled and I saw twinkles in her eye. Wtf?

"For the record, I am not affected and thank you for sharing me that you like Carlos.. " I grinned.

" Oh shut up!" she said, kind-of embarrassed.

"Oooooh Carlos" I laughed.

"Belle stop. They can hear you" She was serious.

"Oh, it's none of their business anyway.

"Whatever, just hush" she gestured and we giggled.

After we had a teasing conversation, we decided to take a nap. Maria informed me that it would take more or less 3 hours to get to our destination, and so I agreed.

I wonder if I will really see him there, If-- hmm enough of this involuntary thoughts perhaps ..


HI! I really apologize for taking too long for another update.

SO here it is now! :)

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Misadventures. And YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon