Another day to remember

69 2 3

Monday , October 13, 2013

As I walked into the school doors I looked around at the school I've been going to for two years. I'm a junior now and it kinda sucks because now I'm gonna have to spend the rest of it some were else.

I go to meet up with my friends. I was kinda excited to see them I don't know why but I was.

"YO REE!!!" Kearra yells from behind me. I turn around smiling as I fling my arms in the air and I lift up one leg.

" YO KEE!!!!" I yell back.

" were ya finna go ree? We were looking for you." She said while pointing at me.

" I was going to go look for you guys." I slightly laugh.

As I look in the corner of my eye I see the hottest guy in school.


I freakin love that guy. His beautiful bone structure, and a jaw line that could kill anyone who walking to close to him.

I tried to make it look like I wasn't starring at him, but I don't think I did a good job.

I ended up saying hi louder then I thought I would

" Hi Austin!"

He just looked up and gave me that amazing smile and waved.

I think my heart melted. I just couldn't think straight when I saw him.

Austin pov:

I walk around the corner to go meet my friends. When I see the most amazing girl.

I've seen her before but today seemed different. She looked beautiful everyday, but today was spectacular!

I walked by trying not to stare. I just kept looking in the direction I was walking.

I heard her say hi to me, and in that moment I couldn't think of a cool way to say hi back.

I also notice I was smiling


So I waved and kept going. I could feel my ears get hot and my cheeks start to warm up.

Ree pov:

I forgot I was standing there with my friends so when reality hit me I turned my head to a bunch of smiling monkeys.

They were all starring at me smiling. My face got hotter then what it already was.

"What!?" I ask throwing my hands in the air.

"Ree do you need a cup of water? Maybe a warm towel?" Says kearra

They all burst out in laughter.


I begin to laugh with them.

"Don't act like you guys have never had a crush on someone." I saying making them think.

"Yea but you look like you have Austin fever" my friend kinnifah says and they start laughing again.

I just shrug it off. Only because I know it's true.


The first bell rings. Meaning we have five minutes to get to class. What's worse is my first class has Austin in it.

I tell my friends good bye and we all walk in different directions. I soon make it to Ms.Pingeltons class and when I walk in Austin its already in his chair.

I notice he looks at me and we kinda make eye contact, but I quickly look away.


The bells rings again and class has started.

"Alright class take out your books and turn to page 1,127,234. You will be doing problems 1-4. It is due at the end of class."

As soon as she sits in her desk the class erupts into conversation.

I plug in my head phones and I listen to my favorite playlist: Netflix and chill

I start lurking on instagram. I slightly look up to check my surroundings. I turn my head and I notice Austin moved desks. I shrugged it off. I guess he noticed and soon after he was walking towards my.

I can feel my face warm up so I quickly excused myself to the bathroom before he could get to me.

I look behind me to see if anyone was there. Thankfully I was the only one in the hall.

I quickly scurry to the girls restroom and I freshin up.

When I walk I see Austin walking in my direction.

Man what did he want??

I try not to draw attention to my self and I just look down at my phone. As I keep walking I didnt look up and I end up bumping right into his hard chest.

A puff of his cologne went into my nose. It smelt good. Kinda sweet actually.

I looked up into his light blueish green eyes. They were amazing almost unreal. I wanted to say sorry and keep walking but he asked me a question.

" your Ree? Right?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck

"Um yea and your Austin."

Why did I say his whole name. Ugh so stupid.

"Y-yea um I see you around and I just wanted to ask you if you were busy on Wednesday?"

He seemed about as nervous as I was. Austin the guy of my dreams just ask me on a date? No no stop ree your over thinking it.

"Um no im single...err I mean free yea. Why?"

He looked even more nervous now.

" um well the new movie zo-"

"Zombie eclipse 3! Omg I've been dying to see it!" I instantly knew what he was talking about.

Zombie movies are my favorite. All the blood and guts. We both laugh.

"Sorry I didnt mean to cut you off. I got a little excited"

"Oh its cool thats a yes to going to see it with me?"

My heart was pounding. Just the sound of his voice made me want to jump up and hug him. It was deep but smooth like looking into someone's eyes that were chocolate brown.

"Yea absolutely"

Absolutely ree who says that anymore jeez girly modern up

We both smiled

"Ok cool see you at 7:00 p.m."

He said and we both headed back to class.

Ok I worked really hard on this chapter. I know it's not that long but I like what I did.


1.) Should Austin and ree date before she moves??

2.) Is it going well so far for only 2 chapters??

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