Chapter 1

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It all started with a monkey...

"six ball, corner pocket." I called out as I took aim. I was at the local pool house, a grungy, run-down place that smelled of sweat and desperation. Most of the guys there were twice my size and could break me in half with one hand. They were always threatening me, because I was always beating them at pool. Most of the drinks were watery and pathetic. It was one of my favorite places in the world.

I stared at the ball, took aim, and... BUZZZZZ!!! My cell vibrated in my pocket, causing me to jerk the pool stick and send the white ball into the side of the table. Benj snickered. As I pulled out my phone I shot a glare towards him and said, "That didn't count. My phone rang." "It counted Blondie." He replied. I stuck out my tongue (despite the fact that I'd dyed my hair black ages ago, he refused to let go of the nickname) and checked the caller ID.

My mom. This couldn't be good.

"Hi mom." I greeted cheerfully.

"Lucille Marie Gallagher," my mother started in a low voice, "Why on earth is there a monkey in the hot tub?!" I laughed.

"Really? How did it get into the spa room? I didn't know it could open doors." I seriously didn't; that was a total surprise.

"LUCE!!!" she yelled.


"This is no laughing matter. There is a MONKEY IN THE HOT TUB!"

"Yeah, I think you mentioned that." There was silence on the other end, and I could hear the faint sound of cars driving by in the background.

"That's it! That was the last straw young lady! I thought maybe you'd learned your lesson after the Luxemborg incident-"

"Ha, that was funny."

"But apparently you haven't." she went on, ignoring me. "So, we're coming home."

... "WHAT?" No, no, no, no!

"Yes. We'll be there in  half an hour. Also, call your brother. He needs to be there too."

"What? What does Jason have to do with any of this?"

"Just do it Lucille." She sounded tired, as if the conversation had aged her horribly.


"Now." And she hung up. I stared at the  phone, trying to figure out what just happened. There was a light pressure on my shoulder; I looked up to find Benj staring down at me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I shook my head. "What's wrong?"

"My mom."

"Do you need a ride home?"

"Ya. You were my ride here."

"Right. Lets go." Benj really was the best friend I could have. We'd known eachother since we were six, when he'd found me hiding from my parents behind a plant at Remi's. Unlike most people, he liked me because of me, not because of my rich fashion designer mom and multi-millionare company owning dad, like every other person I know.

"Bye everybody! Don't let the ninja bunny rabbits eat you!" I yelled as I walked out the door. Benj rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

"Yup, definatly a blonde."

"Shut up."

"I'll shut up when your brain is connected to your mouth."

I glared at him and got in the car, a black '61 ferrari. As he started the car up, I muttered "I wish the ninja bunnies would eat his mouth."

"I heard that." He said, poking my arm.

"Well, it's true. You bettter watch out for them, 'cause I'm going to telll them you're being mean to me."

"The ninja bunnies are on my side blondie."

"Are not."




As we turned onto the drive that led to my house, I realized I hadn't called Jason yet. I pulled out my phone again and called my brother.

"Hello?" A deep voice asked.

"Hi Jason." I greeted with fake cheerfullness. For a moment everything was silent. Then...

"What did you do?!"

I gasped, mocking hurt. "Why do you always assume something is wrong when I call you?"

"Maybe because the last time you called me you were in jail for stealing a 3,000 dollar pair of earrings, and the time before that, you called because you'd ran your motorcycle into a pole. And the time before that, you-"

I cut him off. "1:Okay, ya, I get it. I call when I do something stupid. You can quit with the memory lane bit now. And 2: The earrings were only 2,995 dollars."

"So, what did you do this time? I swear, if you're in jail again-"

"I'm not. And mom said I had to call you."

"Mom is involved? What the hell did you do?!"

"Hey, the monkey wasn't supposed to get into the hot tub."

"What? You put a monkey in the hot tub?"


"Sometimes I wonder if you use your brain, or if it's just there for show."

"Meanie. Now get your butt down here. Mom said you had to be here too."

"This is bad."

"I know."

"I can't believe you put a monkey in the hot tub."

"I know."

"You're screwed."

"Ya." I said, "I know."


kk that was my first chappie and please don't hate me if it stinks. I'm not good at beginnings. Sorry. as always, please vote and comment. If you hate it, I needs to know how to make it better! Let the  ninja bunnies be with you.

Lovez, Via

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