Chapter 2

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Usually when I'm at home, sprawled across my black leather couch, I'm in my happy place.

This was not one of those times. My dad was pacing across the room, my mom was yelling at me, and Jason was tense beside me.

"I've had it Lucille. I'm done dealing with your random outbursts and stupid jokes. I thought I raised you to be better than that. I thought I raised you to be a young woman with poise and kindness."

I almost laughed,since I'd been raised by basically everyone except her, but stopped myself just in time. Laughing would only make things worse.

"Apparently I was wrong. I mean look at you!" She waved her hands in my direction, and in the process a few fair hairs came out of her tight bun. "Ripped jeans, no make-up, and you have black hair. You don't even sit up straight!" She stared at me for a moment. I didn't move." "Sit up straight!" She commanded. I jerked into and upright position, honestly scared now. Usually she didn't care a rat's ass about me. Maybe it was a really expensive hot tub.

"I'm sorry Mom. Really. I'll try to be better now." I replied softly.

"Sorry won't cut it this time Lucille. You've had way to many chances. I can't be known as the famous fashion designer with the misbehaving daughter who can't. Sit. Up. STRAIGHT!"

I straightened myself quickly. Mom took a deep breath and said in a much calmer voice: "This is your last chance Lucille. If you don't behave, you are coming to live in England and go to a boarding school we found there."

"What?! NO!" No pool house? No freedom? No Benj?!

"But for now, you are to move in with Jason, so we can make sure you are being watched over by someone responsible." Now it was Jason's turn to freak out.

"Oh no. NO. I'm not having her living in the same house as me! There's a reason I left this house!"

"I'm not excited about this either bro." I said dryly. "Imagine if I'm coming home from school to find you with a random slut on the couch in the living room. I'd never get the image out of my head."

"Oh like your innocent. I'm more likely to come home to you with your legs spread wide than for you to-"

"Enough!" Mom cut in, looking even more furious. "This isn't up for argument. You're moving in with Jason and that's final." She paused for a moment, daring us to say something.

We didn't.

"Well then Lucille, I'll let you go pack up your stuff and head over to Jason's. The sooner, the better."  She stood up and left without a backwards glance.

I sighed. "Come on Jason. Help me pack." He looked at me in horror.

"No way. Go get your twin to help you. I'm sure he'll be glad to help."

I snorted. "Ya right." But pulled out my phone anyway.

 Benj answered on the first ring.

"What happened?"

"I have to live with Jason."


"Yeah. It's either that or live in England. With my parents."

"Sucks for you."

"Sucks for you too. You're going to help me pack."

"What? No!"

"Aw come on. For me? Please?"

"Fine. But you owe me."

"I know. I'll pay you back later. Now will you come over and help?"

"Ya. See you in a few."



I hung up and looked over to see Jason staring at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked, suddenly self conscious.

"Are you and Benj..."

"We're just friends." I replied immediately.

"Okay." He said, but it was obvious he didn't believe me.

I sighed in frustration. If he was going to be like this the whole time I was living with him, one of us was going to end up dead. And it wasn't going to be me.


 okay chappie two completed. I know its boring. Please don't hate me for it. The next one'll be better, I promise. Until then, bye bye.

Lovez, Via

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