Chapter 3

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"Argh." Benj groaned, falling to the floor with a thump.

"Get up lazy. We have work to do." I poked his stomach gently.

"Can't. My legs are broken." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right. Now get up before I make you." I teased, only half serious. It was true, we did have work to do, but I wasn't quite willing to get to work yet.

Benj snorted. "Yeah right. You're only, llike, four feet tall. You can't take me."

"First, I'm five - five. Second, you can't win if yoou refuse to leave the ground." And with that I sat on his stomach.

"oof!" Benj gasped. 'Ugh, get off me! You're killing me!"

"Oh, quit being a baby. I only weigh 100 pounds."

"Really, I never thought  you'd hit triple digits. Congrats."

"Meanie." I bounced on his stomach.

"Ouch-oof-agh! Get off!"

'Will you get up?"


"Then no." I scooched to the floor and layed across him. After a few moments he said, "Ya know, I think I like this position." He began playing with my hair; the gentle tugging was both familiar and comforting.

"That wasn't the point of me laying on you." I pouted.

"Hmm... those words sound a little dirty, blondie." Silence.

And then... "Shut up." Nice comback, I thought, mentally slapping myself.

Benj's deep laughter vibrated through me. I sighed, truly happy for once. But still... "We have to get strarted Benj. We can't leave everything in boxes forever."

"Why not?" He argued.

"Because... because so."

"Very compelling arguement... for a blonde."

"That's it!" I said, prretending to be angry. "You're going down!"

"Well, I already am down, so technically you can't- UGH!" I sat back on top of him and kicked his leg. "Ouch! Hey!" Benj yelled, reaching for me. In an instant, we were rolling across the floor, wrestling like we were five years old. Laughing, and swearing, we were completly in our mode. That is, until the box came along.

"Ow!" we yelled together as the pointy edge of the box dug into our sides. "And that," I panted, "is why we need to unpack the boxes."

"Fine." Benj agreed.

=50 Minutes Later=

"That. Was. Agonizing." Benj complained.

"Whiner. It wasn't so bad. Anyway, we only have one more box."

"Thank god." He said loudly.

"Oh shut up. At least its only one room. Imagine of we had the whole house to unpack and organize."

He grimaced and started opening the box. "Then," He said, pulling at the top, "I would have ran."

"You're pathetic."

'No. Just self- preserving. I fear for my sanity."

"You lost that ages ago." I countered.

He didn't respond. Instead, he pulled out a lacy black thong and smirked.

"What was this for?" He teased. I grabbed at it. "Give me that!" I sputtered, cheeks flaming.

"Not until you tell me why my sweet virgin Luce has a thong."

"Shh! Don't say it so loud." I said, jumping in the air, trying to reach for the thong.

Damn. Why does he have to be so tall?  I thought.

"Say what? That you're a virgin? Why not? It's not like anybody else is here."

"So? Still don't say it. It's embarrasing!" He smirked and started yelling.

"Luce is a virgin! Lucille Gallagher has never had sex! Luce is a virgin!" The door opened and Jason walked in. Benj kept yelling, still holding my under wear.

"Luce is a virgin! Luce is a virgin! Luce is a -oh." I face palmed as Benj finally noticed that Jason had come home.

"Um..." Jason stared at us. His eyes flicked to Benj's hands, and then to face.

"Luce, is that a thong?" He gaped at it, as if he'd never seen a thong before.

"Um... yes?"

"Why does Benj have your under wear?"

"Because he was helping me unpack. Now give me that." I pulled the thong from Benj's hand.

"Hey, Benj, didn't you have somewhere to go? Like, now?" He caught on instantly.

"Oh, right. Bye Jason." Benj was half way out the door when he urned back and said, "Bye blondie."

"I'm not blonde anymore!" I shot back.

"Once a blonde, always a blonde." He answered, and closed the door before I could say anything else.

"Are you sure you and Benj-?"

"We. Are. Just. Friends." I answered..

"Right." Ugh, why wouldn't he believe me? "Come on, let's go to Remi's. It's free pancake day."

"Yay! Free pancakes!" I smiled, running to the door.


So... I was hungry when I wrote this chapter.... I'm sorry it's so short... anyways, hope you liked it. As always, comment, vote, fan. Until the next chapter...

Lovez, Via

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