Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I watched in horror as her naturaly brown eyes turned red as blood. Her teeth became razor sharp and she made a hissing noise at us. I couldn't belive it. She wan't lying or being delousonal about this. "Y-yo-you weren't kidding" Zayn stuttered in fear.She shook her head as if saying no. "There is one thing i should tell you though..." she trailed off. "What is it?" Liam asked with fear. By now I was shaking in fear.

What if she has to kill us now that we know. What if it is that she is killing herself for our saftey. What if... what if... what if...

All of these 'what if's floated around in my head. Then she spoke the big news.

"I can sense a battle between werewolves, magical beings and vampires...... coming to kill all mortals....... like yourselves"

"WHAT?!?!?!" we all shouted at the same time. She seemed scared to tell us. "Yes, I will explain more when we get home" she said, slumping back in her seat and continued to drive home.

We arived at the house about 10 minutes later. Briana parked the car and we all hopped out of the cat. We all made our way to the house and walked in. She led us to the living room. "Sit" she ordered, pointing at the plush couch. We obeyed and she took a seat on the chair sitting across from us. "Care to explain now?" Louis quizzed. She nodded and began to retell the story.

" Well, it all started with a very important vampire, named Elishiah. All of the supernatural beings were in a time of peace. Then a rebel werewolf pack, also known more commonly as rouges, split off from the other werewolves. They joined up with a group of ten witches and wizards, and killed off a clan of vampires out of the blue. Elishiah was the one that went up to this gang, and fought with them. The gang wanted to eliminate vampires, all of them. They said that all vampires were good for was killing people, by drinking their blood. This gang started to gain more and more followers in their footsteps. Soon nearly the entire werewolf and magical population was on their side. There were a few that disagreed with their opinion. The leader, Drake, didn't like that at all. He sent out a small team to kill them. They succeeded. Now the entire werewolf and magical races were against us. It frightened them, so our ancestors built a device to control all supernatural races, including vampires. They always had a protector of the powerful device. It was someone who was responsible, reliable, and a good fighter, to fight off anyone who tries to take it. Sadly, there is still a bit of turmoil between the three races. And that 'fan' tried to take the device. She was a werewolf, so I was required by the vampire council to eliminate her. So the day of Liam's second audition for the X-Factor, I got drunk and traveled downtown, and got bitten by a random man. The next day, I was taken to the vampire council and I was assigned the job of the protector. And I guess the gang now want revenge on us. And they will give us a suprise attack. But their plans are ruined now. Do you boys have any questions?" She finished her history lesson. Everyone let all the information sink in, then shot her multiple questions.

"Do you sparkle?"

"Do you live forever?"

"Can you be killed by holy water?"

"Do you have any powers?"

"Can you turn I to a bat?"

"Do you know Edward Cullen?"

"SHUT UP!" She screeched, her loud outburst bouncing off the walls, creating an echo. "We don't sparkle I sunlight, and we don't live forever. We grow old and die like a human would. No, we can't be killed by holy water, but can be killed by wooden stakes, a werewolf's bite, or a wizards spell. I have some powers, like super speed, strong hearing, and super strength. So, we can't turn into bats, that's only in the movies. And no Lou, I dont know Edward Cullen, concidering he is a fictional character" she answered. We all laughed at Louis's question and fell silent. Briana yawned loudly breaking the silence.

"I'm going to bed, night" she waved to us, getting out of the chair and walking to her room. "I'm going to bed too. Night lads" I said. I heard a chorus of 'good night's back. I went into my room and slipped out of my clothes. I walked over to the bed and laid in it, pulling the covers over my bare body for warmth in the cold England weather. My eyes began to flutter closed, soon falling into darkness.


Hi! Updated! Still not sure where this story is going. I will come up with it as I go along. Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I'm still unsure about this story :(. Anyways, comment giving me feedback on my vampire history! Did I do good on it ?!?!




-Purplekittycat xx

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