Awakening Suprise

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I was woken up in the middle of the night by someone shaking me. I almost started screaming. It was cute ( as in so ugly it's cute) creature staring at me with huge green eyes. It was saying "I've never seen you before but excuse me I need to clean here." "Oh." I said getting up and heading towards the steps to my bedroom still very tired. "By the way my name is Dobby, one of the house elves here at Hogwarts. I have also come to deliver your class schedule and by the way Quidditch practice is tomorrow." "Okay." I said accepting the schedule. My name is Penelope and I just transferred here. Today, well yesterday because it is 2:30am was my first day." "Hello Penelope. If you are having trouble making friends hangout with Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasely, and Harry Potter." "Thanks. Goodnight." I replied I walked upstairs and laid in my bed thinking about how today was going to go. I had Quidditch tryouts. I think I'm going to try for Beater. I can't wait for Herbology with Professor Sprout at 3rd period. I was ready for my first official day.

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