Settling in.

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My name is Penelope Gudet and this is my first year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I transferred from Beauxbaton. I was so upset to leave my best friend Fleur Delacour but it all made up when I walked into the massive Great Hall. It was beautiful with so much detail and it was cool seeing all the houses together. I am in my second year so I watched the first years be sorted. Professor McGonagall said that I need to wait in the Great Hall. After the first years were sorted she came over. "Hello Penelope. Professor Dumbledore has told me that you have transferred from Beauxbaton. He could tell that you would become a powerful wizard so he accepted you into Hogwarts. He and I have chosen you to be in my house- Gryffindor.🦁❤️💛 because you seem very loyal to your friends and loving." I was pretty excited but I didn't know if I would fit in. I followed her up the stairs (they are magical by the way) and into the common room. She said the password and opened the door...

Just Another Hogwarts transfer student   (Harry Potter fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now