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Chapter Fifteen

"The word impossible is not in my  dictionary." -Napoleon Bonaparte.


It was the month of March now. Two months had passed since Mina met Seventeen.

And she still hasn't met the last member yet.

She got closer with the other boys though, and sometimes, they would plan a hangout and the thirteen of them would go out together.

Choi Seungcheol, Mina learned, was the name of the last member.

He wasn't the type to go out, as he preferred staying indoors.

That was the reason that Seventeen always told her. To be honest, Mina didn't believe them.

What kind of teenager likes staying indoors and not like hanging out with friends?

Mina shrugged off the thought that she might never meet him.

Also, Mina was still awkward with Mingyu but she never brought up the topic of vampires with him ever again.

She was a bit more friendly with DK, though, because he was a nice lad who didn't tease her a lot. He actually took care of her.

First-term holidays have started, from the Sixth of March till the Tenth of April, and Mina and Ryu have plans for only the two of them.

But these plans are soon ruined by the group, Seventeen.


Ryu followed Mina home again, on the last day of school.

They watched Twilight until 2am in the morning, totally neglecting their holiday homework.

"Okay, so now we know that vampires' skin shine when under sunlight." Mina muttered, jotting down notes in a mini notepad.

"Shine bright like a diamond!" Ryu screeched, bursting into loud laughter.

"Shut up or you're gonna wake up the entire neighborhood." Mina hissed, slapping her friend on the shoulder, hard.

Ryu pouted and rubbed the sore spot, while putting a hand to her lips, "Okay, shh."

At 2am, both Mina and Ryu had already fallen asleep on the couch, tired out with all the action in Twilight.


The duo were woken up by loud bangs on the front door.

Mina started to stir awake, and yawned loudly. She moved her leg, and accidentally kicked Ryu in the stomach.

She didn't bother saying sorry because Ryu was still knocked out cold.

Both of them were tangled up with each other, and Mina couldn't get up.

The knocks seemed to get louder, but Mina was too tired to care.

"Oh gosh, who the hell is evil enough to wake up two queens when they're having their beauty sleep?"

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