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"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." -Maya Angelou.


Mina had forgotten everyone.

But Ryu remembered.

Mina was sent to the hospital, and was rushed to surgery, again.

She had lost a lot of blood but she survived.

Mina survived the whole ordeal.


"Dad fell down...five floors...?" Mina whispered, her wide eyes staring at Ryu.

Ryu sympathetically nodded, "I'm sorry, Mina."

Mina clenched her fists, as she bit back her sobs.

Making sure that she wasn't going to break down, she forced a smile onto her face.

"Everything happens for a reason, right?" Mina asked, her heart aching.

Ryu nodded, as she pulled Mina into a hug, "I'm here for you."

"I always am." Ryu whispered, as an ugly sob left Mina's mouth.

Tears started trailing down her cheeks, and the tear droplets made the floor wet.

Mina choked out, "Daddy..."

The funeral was held two days later.

Somehow, Mina didn't cry.

She didn't shed a tear.

But her heart felt like it had broken into millions of tiny pieces.

She felt empty.

But her father wasn't the only reason.

There was something else tugging at her heart.

Something else that was locked up in the back of her mind.

But what is it?

Mina looked up at the sky, and smiled bitterly.

"Everything's gone."


Mina and Ryu went back to school like normal.

Everyone was wondering where the famous boy group had disappeared to.

Jun Ah cornered Mina, "Where did Seventeen go? You're good friends with them, right?"

Mina simply looked at her, puzzled, "Seventeen? Who's that?"

Soo Jin groaned, and grabbed Mina's collar. She pulled her closer, and snapped, "Don't joke with me. Where is Seventeen?"

"Where are my boyfriends?" Sun Mi screamed, grabbing Mina's hair.

Mina narrowed her eyes, and hit Sun Mi's hand away. Then, she pushed Soo Jin away.

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