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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." -Og Mandino.


Wen Chang Xin was a woman of dreams.

She wanted to open a cafe since young, she wanted to marry a lovely husband, and she wanted to raise her children with love.

Her dreams came true.

But the dreams were too good to last.

A robbery was all it took to shatter her dreams.


Seungkwan gripped Mina's hand tightly as he took in a ragged deep breath.

He looked torn, and pale.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here, on this very seat, again. After all those years..." Seungkwan trailed off.

He smiled sadly.

"I was eleven at that time. My father was a famous surgeon at this hospital..." Seungkwan sighed, "He's working at another hospital now."

Jeju boy gritted his teeth, "Dad probably doesn't know I'm alive though."

He sighed again, "I'm supposedly dead, after a car accident. I was sent here and my father was operating on me. It wasn't successful. So...I'm not sure if I should tell you this..."

Seungkwan gazed at Mina's peaceful face, and he shook his head, mumbling under his breath, "It's not like you can hear me anyway."

"Seungcheol's dad was the head surgeon. No one could save me, and I was almost dead. My parents were devastated. So, Seungcheol's dad made me a vampire. Sounds easy, right?"

He shrugged, "It actually is. But...I had to make a promise to him. To do something..."

Seungkwan sighed for the hundredth time, as his grip on Mina's hand loosened, "My father resigned that day, from working here. I heard him cry to his colleagues, that he couldn't take the pain of his son dying in the very place he worked at. He wanted to leave."

Seungkwan put down Mina's hands as gently as he could, and leaned back into his chair.

"Seungcheol's dad allowed me to hang around here while he searched for a place for me to live in. I got friendly with the patients, though I told them to not tell anyone there was a mischievous good looking kid running around in the hospital. I'm surprised no one revealed the secret though." Seungkwan chuckled.

His smile dropped off his face, "There was a patient named Wen Chang Xin. She looked so restless, and tired. She couldn't talk either, because of the large scar near her neck."

Seungkwan gripped his hair, as he stared at the floor, "But she was beautiful. I was innocent, that time. I didn't understand the pain she was going through. So, I would force her to play with me. But she couldn't move much anyway."

Tears formed in his eyes that were slowly turning red, "I spent most of my time with her. I'd cut fruits for her to eat, I'd read her English books though I'm not very good at them, I'd do a lot of things for her, and with her. Without realizing it..."

Seungkwan took a deep breath, and the tears started falling, "I fell in love with an older woman who was way out of my league."

He rubbed away the tears. The eyeliner he was wearing was smudged, and he sniffed, "Sometimes, at night, when I couldn't stay over, I'd hide outside the door and watch her."

Seungkwan grabbed his sides, as he started coughing violently. The tears stung his eyes, and the pain was unbearable.

"She'd always cry in pain. Apparently, the pain was too much for her. Someone like her couldn't withstand it."

He balled his fists, as he inhaled sharply, "One day, when I was visiting her, she held my hand. And she tried to speak."

"I have a daughter, Ji Mina. She is only ten. I hope that you will take care of her, Seungkwan-ah. That was what she said to me." Seungkwan bit his lower lip.

He let out a breath, as the tears in his eyes kept falling. He couldn't stop crying.

"She was crying so much. It hurt me to see her like that. She begged me to stop her pain. She begged me..."

Seungkwan sobbed loudly, "She begged me...to pull out the wire that was hooked to a matching that was keeping her alive."

He shook his head, as the memories of that painful day came back to him in a flash.

Seungkwan gripped the bed, as he held his head. It was throbbing, and he was feeling dizzy.

"I couldn't do it. I loved her too much to let her go. I couldn't...I didn't want to." Seungkwan sobbed again.

He forced himself to look at Mina, and he whispered, "But I had to. She cried so much. I had to do it."

"It hurt so bad. Your mother died on this very bed, Mina-yah."

Seungkwan laid his head beside Mina's limp body, and he held her hand tightly, as he cried, "I'm so sorry, Mina-ah. I'm so sorry. I've known since then that I needed to take care of you."

He coughed, and mumbled, "That day when I first met you, at the park, I was so happy to finally meet you face to face. Because I've always been watching you from far away. When you finally came to me, and talked to me, I was so so glad. You're really like your mother, Mina."

Seungkwan's tears rolled down his cheek, and he fanned his face, "I..I was really happy."

Then, he sniffled, "So, please don't leave me. Please stay alive. I can't lose you too. Please..."

"Who the hell are you?"


Author's Note;

Dedicated to @17_Hearteu ! :)

Again, sorry for the short chapter. I need to end it like that so as to give it more suspense.

I hope you guys enjoyed this though~

And, thank you all for your sweet and amazing comments in the last chapter ;~; I really appreciate all your support! You guys are the best <3



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