Arranged Love: Cristina's Story Chp - 14

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Arranged Love: Cristina’s Story

Chapter 14 - Tristán

Finally giving into curiosity as to why Cris had been avoiding her brother last night I asked her what was up. Cris stayed silent for about five minutes with a few sighs mixed in, all the while I waited quietly for her answer knowing that if she was taking this long to answer it couldn’t be good and considering it was also a question that concerned her brother I knew she wasn’t going to answer willing since it was always so difficult for her to answer anything when it involved her brother. It wasn’t like I couldn’t understand that since I hated to answer Alastair whenever he had a question about Cris. It seemed to be a fine line that we walked.

“I lost a bet to Alastair and I didn’t want him to open his big mouth before I had a chance to tell you.” She said finally breaking the silence that had been stretching on for more than five minutes.

Cris and Alastair were always making bets with each other so I wasn’t surprised to hear about a bet being made between the two of them but it was unusual for Cris to lose a bet and when she did lose it meant that Alastair wanted some huge favor in return which could explain the long silence in between her answers.

“What does he want?” I ask her softly knowing it couldn’t be good since it had taken her five minutes to answer my first question.

“To help paint his dumb house next weekend.” She answered almost too quietly for me to hear.

I was a little angry at the fact that Alastair had chosen a weekend. Cris and I worked all week and at different jobs now so the weekends had become the time when we got spend time together as a family. With a mental note to discuss this matter with my idiot best friend and inform him it just wasn’t happening no matter what. In the meantime I changed the subject letting  ti effectively drop at least where Cris was concerned since she wouldn’t care to know that I was going to talk with her brother about this so on silent agreement we both let the subject go and spent the rest of our day in the bliss of each other’s company.

After a long day Cris and I found ourselves laying on the huge bed in our room exhausted. Cris was curled tightly against my side with her head resting on my chest listening to the beating of my heart while  we talked about and discussed our lovely kids who were soon to be one years old. They were growing up fast and before we even knew it they would be attending, driving and getting into some if not all the trouble Cris and I got into. We didn’t discuss anything too deep as the two of us were overly tired from the long day that we had shared and the morning would would soon enough bring another overly busy day but for the moment things were nice and peaceful.

“Do you work tomorrow?" I asked after a few minutes of silence had passed between the two of us.

“No.” Came an overly sleepy sounding reply which caused me to look down at where she laid so comfortably curl into my side. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slowing down as sleep started to take a hold of her. With a smile I leaned over and kissed the top of her head goodnight before humming her the rest of the way to sleep. Soon I was falling asleep to the gentle breathing along with a few sleep filled mumbled words and a few other sleep sounds from the most beautiful girl in the world as she slept curled up next to me.

The following morning Cris and I found ourselves in the mists of a overly hectic morning routine. I had to call Alastar and let him know I was going to be late coming into work due to the craziness of the morning. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong making the morning a really long one. After finally getting everything righted and back on track at about ten in morning Cris walked me to the front door.

“Have fun at work and don’t kill my brother. The kids and I will not be visiting you in jail.” Cris said holding the the front door open.

“I can make no promises to not killing your brother however I can promise not to go to jail if I do.” I replied with a smirk in her direction.

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