Arranged Love: Cristina's Story Chp - 12

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Arranged Love: Cristina’s Story

Chapter 12 - Tristán

It’s been two weeks since the night I took Cris out for a date. Early August had begun and so had one of the busiest months for the garage. Next month brought some of the major car shows which meant a lot of work for the garage though it was all minor work it was enough to make one feel like they were swimming in motor oil. We had so many restoration paint jobs on the docket that Cris had to come in pretty much every day off from the set and weekends for a few hours to paint cars. Someone in the garage once asked her what she liked better cars or effects makeup the answer as she said depends on what day it was and how busy she’s been either onset or in the garage.

With things so busy for Cris and I there hasn’t been much time to think on anything that didn’t fit into the normal routine. Which is why it took me two and half weeks to even start wrapping my mind around the weirdness that Cris has been doing lately. I call it weirdness because in her own odd way Cris has always shown affection for she is actually a very affectionate person, she is always willing to give a hug, snuggle close, say thank you and how much she appreciates it all, to family she gave kisses on the cheek or head and the occasional best friend also received that kind of treatment. So it’s not like she is this affectionate person which was anything but true. Heck before this entire arranged marriage thing I’d been on the receiving end of a few hugs and the occasional kiss on the cheek, it’s only been recently that she hasn’t given a kiss on the check and the hugs have been less but I understood why and didn’t blame her one tiny bit. With this knowledge of her I’d come to calling the way she had started acting as weirdness.

Things took a major turn in weirdness with Cris the day I cleaned up the house. Just to give you an idea of how things normally worked with us, when the two of us still lived in the condo Cris and I traded weeks for the cleaning up of the place, since moving into house that routine got lost somewhere along the move so Cris became the house cleaner more often than not. The last several weeks had kept the two of us rather busy making the cleaning of the house not a major priority so it just became messier and messier as the weeks passed by us, it was now to the point where it was the entire place that was a mess not only inside but outside as well. About three weeks after the start of Cris’s weirdness I was granted a three day weekend so the first thing I did was to take the twins to spend the day with their abuelos (grandparents) so that I could spend the entire day cleaning up the junkyard known as home. I spent the rest of the morning out in the yard cleaning up things and trimming up some of our neglected evergreen bushes. When the afternoon came with it’s hot weather I moved inside to clean up the house with my two faithful companions known as a rag and bucket. I’d picked up the kids with two hours to spare before Cris came home from work on the set and I’d even managed to start our dinner. I was sitting on the floor playing with the kids feeling on top of the world for having taken care of everything with time to spare when Cris came home. The moment she really took a look around after have walking into the living room the tired look melted away replaced by the sparkling light of surprise that set her eyes beautiful topaz eyes to shining. While she looked around I untangled myself from the twins and came to stand by the arm rest of the couch facing her.

“Hai fatto tutto questo lavoro da solo? (Did you do all this work by yourself?)” Cris asked in Italian that was laced with wonder as she looked around.

“Sí, me encanta este era mi todo por mí mismo. (Yes, love this was me all by myself.)” I answered back in Spanish with a bit of a chuckle.

“Usted debe haber estado limpiando todo el día! (You must have been cleaning all day!)” She exclaimed in Spanish which I was grateful for since it’d been a long day and I was just a little too tired to keep up with her in any other language.

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