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I released my seatbelt, exiting my car. Right before I could enter the doors to Warner Bro's Studio, where the entire cast would be given our new scripts, I heard a voice that I knew too well.

"There's my Teri Polo." The tall, slender, caramel toned beauty said, walking towards me. I smiled, admiring the glistening in her brown colored eyes, and those spiraling curls flowing down her back, bouncing upon her shoulders. My Sherri was unbelievably beautiful. Oh, so beautiful.

"Hey, Sher!" I placed a gentle kiss upon her cheek, as we took part in an ongoing hug.

"Ah, I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed, referring to my recent trip to New York.

We locked arms, walking into the building together. "I was only gone for a week, Sherri."

"I know, I know. But, a whole week without My Teri Polo?! I don't see how I made it through!" The both of us exploded in laughter. "How was it in New York, anyway?"

"Well, I mean c'mon, New York is New New York."

We shared yet another laugh. This was what we'd do when together. We'd laugh nonstop, enjoying each other's company.

"There are those two love birds!" Peter said, as he walked over to us. "Teri, we're glad you're back." He then gave us both hugs.

"Well I'm ha-"

"Glad?!" A familiar voice cut me off from responding. It was our very own Bradley. "We're relieved your back, Teri." He looked over at Sher. "Sherri here couldn't stop talking 'bout ya."

I looked over at Sherri. She was smiling an enormous smile. It was clear that she missed me just as much as I missed her.

When I had gone shopping in NY, I wanted no one there but Sherri. When I ate out, I wanted to look across the table and see that beautiful face of brown eyes, full lips colored with her favorite color lipstick, and that hair hanging against her perfectly shaped ears. Oh that hair. When I slept in such a peaceful, ravishing hotel, I dreamt of waking up to my Sherri.

I guess you could infer that the love I had for her was more than expected, more than you might've known.

After our conversation with Peter and Bradley ended, Sherri and I found seats, scanning through our newest scripts, looking over the scenes we had together.

"Uh oh." She said.

"What is it?"

"Stef and Lena have a huge fight scene coming up." She smirked. "God, I hate those."

I began flipping through the pages. "Yeah, but, at least they have a 'make-up' and 'sex' scene right after." I pointed to a few of the words imprinted on the paper. Believe it or not, I was more than excited about our character's sex scene.

"Ooh, steamy scenes." Sher said, after taking a sip of her bottled water. "Haven't had one of those in awhile."

"Exactly. And, I think its about time Stef and Lena get some." I laughed loudly, uncontrollably. "They've been through a lot, and they need a break. Seriously."

Sherri didn't respond. When I looked over at her, her phone was covered in her long and slender fingers. She had an expression upon her face that made me worry.
"You okay, my love?"

She sighed. "It's nothing."

"Oh, c'mon, Sherri." I rubbed her lower back, comforting her. "I know you, and I know that its just 'nothing'.

"I'm okay, Teri. I am." She breathed heavily.

I know that's its something going on with My Sherri, and one way or another, I'll find out. I can't stand to see her this way. I won't continue to sit here and see her this way.


"So, have you tried the treatments I gave you?" Dr. Mulligan, Khamar and my therapist, asked us, as we sat before her on the cotton filled, gray couch.

For the past year, we had been having marital issues, and sometimes it seemed to only get worst. I hadn't mentioned anything to Teri. Only because I didn't want her to be worried.
Not too long ago, while Khamar was in the shower, at our home, he left his phone sitting on his nightstand that sat right next to our bed. It kept beeping an intermittent tone, vibrating a consistent vibration. I tried to ignore it at first, hoping it would stop. But, it never did. So, when I finally rose from our bed to check it, there was a woman by the name of Michelle, who sent at least 10 text messages back to back. Through the messages, she told him how much she missed him, how much she missed his touch, his body.
Now, a few weeks before all of this, he'd mentioned to me that he booked an acting gig as a guest star on a hit series, working with a woman named Michelle Collins, who was the main character of this show.

I figured that had to have been the same Michelle. But, I didn't know for sure. So, when I asked him about it, he kept denying it, until he finally confirmed it was that Michelle. I was, and still is utterly heartbroken. In the texts, she said that her and Khamar were very intimate. But, he denied it and would try to get me to believe that they'd never had sex. That's why we were in counseling. I hadn't known if she was lying, or if he was, but I was destined to know.

"Yes." I replied to the therapist. "We've tried to have longer conversations. We will literally sit down and talk about anything for one whole hour. And, we've even tried to be more intimate. But-"

"But, things are still the way they were a few months ago." Khamar cut me off. "Nothing seems to be changing. We talk, but we won't even look at each other when we talk. And, yeah we try to have more sex, but we don't enjoy it like we used to."

"Well, these things can't be rushed, ya'know? They take time." Dr.Mulligan responded. "Sherri, you said that a few months after finding the text messages, you tried forgiving Khamar. What stopped you?"

I sighed. "Reading those messages, and just seeing that Michelle said she missed the way he touched her, and how she craved more sex, I was hurt." Tears formed under my eyelids, and I released all that desired to fall. "He's told me that he did touch her, but not in an intimate way. But, that's not what those messages say. And, I don't know who to believe. Like you said, I tried to forgive, I want to forgive him, but trying to grasp the fact that my husband, of countless amount of years, would even think about touching another woman, yet having sex with her, is not an easy task."

I looked over at Khamar and he was sitting with his head hanging below his chest. That was one of his many signs of his guilty feelings.

"It's just that somewhere in my heart, I haven't moved on, because I still wonder if he had sex with that woman." I went on. "How can I forgive him, if I can't let go?"

Dr. Mulligan's eyes stumbled upon my husband. "Khamar, now is the time to be completely honest with your wife. Honesty brings closure. Not only for her, but for you also. So, did you have sex with Michelle?"

As his eyes met mine, I studied the tears surrounding his pupil, and received a signal that confirmed the endless feeling in my body.

He didn't even have to say a word, 'cause I could already feel my heart slowly breaking into tiny pieces, that will take a lifetime to put back together.

Ahhh, the FIRST CHAPTER! What do ya guys think?!

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