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(Follows the previous chapter)


I glided my left hand up and down Sherri's right arm, as we sit just inches away from each other, not knowing if the stage of intimacy was the right stage for us.

"No. We're not ready." Sherri confirmed, rising from my couch. I watched as she paced back and forth, with her head resting in the palm of her hands. We were still in the living area of my home, just seconds away from almost having sex. "You--you don't think we're moving too fast, do you?!"

My head moved from side to side, giving her my answer of 'no'. I didn't think moving too fast would be my concern. I wouldn't have minded taking that next step with Sherri. But, how could I have ever taken that step with her, when she wasn't one-hundred percent mine? "No. But, there is something else I would like to say."

She stopped pacing around, looking at me with eyes that wanted me to proceed.

"Sherri," I stood from the couch like she'd done. "What are we, really?! Lately, I've-"

"What're you talking about?" She stopped me. "Teri, you know where we stand. C'mon, you know what we are."

She was wrong. I hadn't known. Sometimes, it seemed that things were only serious between us when we were either discussing something Khamar had done or said that hurt her feelings. I knew that he had been a real ass to her lately, and I hated to say this, but it only seemed that we were actually something when Sherri needed a hug from me.
"Do I? 'Cause I can't help but feel as though I'm just here to give you a shoulder that your husband won't give. I mean, yeah we've enjoyed ourselves a couple of times." I began to trail off into the kitchen as Sherri followed. "But, it only seems that we have an actual relationship when I'm comforting you, or when you're crying to me about something in regards to Khamar."

After grabbing a bottled water from the fridge, which I found okay for her to do, Sherri turned to me with a puzzled expression dancing upon her face. "I'm sorry. Are you trying to accuse me of using you, or wanting to be with you because of solace?!" Her left brow rose.

"Love, I--I did not say that." I step closer, reaching my hands toward her.

"No, but it sounds like that's what you're trying to imply."

I didn't mean to make Sherri feel as though this was wholeheartedly her fault. If her impulsive acting husband hadn't caused her so much pain, she wouldn't need me to hold her as she hurt. I did not mind being here for Sher though, because I know she'd be there for me if the tables had turned. But, what I did mind, was feeling like my support was the only reason for the love she'd grown for me. "Sherri-"

"Teri, you know that Khamar and I are going through a really rough time, right now." She cut me off, yet again, as the both of us took a seat at my round, glass table. "Some days, it hits me harder than others, where I just need somebody there. I mean no harm, and I apologize if that comes off as any other way. But, I'm not gonna feel bad for just wanting someone like you to be here and tell me everything will be alright."

I reached across the table, placing her hands in mine. "My love, I don't want you to feel bad. I just want you to know how I feel."

"Mhmhm." She grew furious, beginning to speak quite sternly. "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there anything else you're upset about?!"

I laughed, ironically. "Well, since we're putting my emotions on the line, actually there is something I've been pretty upset about."

She looks at me sideways. "And, what might that be?"

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