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Sculptures of kidneys.

Guides to have healthy kidneys.

I sat in my doctor's office with my fingers crossed and hopes high.
Doc called me in today, and although I was unsure as to why, I was rooting for good news. When I was receiving treatment, it was almost like feeling my heart collapse. I was overwhelmed and hated the thought--or reality of my kidneys failing. Don't get me wrong, I still missed the Sherri I remember myself to be. But today? I was not having that. I was gonna smile, and remain positive. Life was too short. Way too short.

Dr. Wu walked in with the largest of all smiles implanted within his face. After our greetings, the both of us took a seat at his desk and began speaking in regards to my condition.

"Congratulations, Sherri." He was proud of me for getting through my first ever treatment. "A large amount of the fluid in your lungs have been removed, but there's still some there and it'll probably take 2-3 more treatments to have it completely removed. Now, I assure you, this has to be done in a quickly fashion before any more fluid begins to build up."

I eyed him as he spoke. "Okay, what's next after the fluid is gone?"

"Every patient's body is different. Sometimes the fluid goes away, sometimes it keeps coming back. So, if the fluid leaves, you'll be placed on high meds to help strengthen your kidneys." Doc looked at me with seriousness crowding the hairs of his face. "If it continues to come back, then possible procedures may have to take place."

My head goes up and down, as I took in all of the info given. I smiled and wished that my Teri was sitting right there next to me, being fed the same words I was finding to be quite delightful.

"Do you have anymore questions?" Dr. Wu asked.

"Nope, that's all."

He smiled at me then rises from his seat. "Well alright then, I look forward to seeing you in a couple of days."

I rose, shaking the doc's hand, then headed for the door. I was relieved with the news I'd been told, and even though I told Doc that I had no more questions, there actually was something I was unsure of.
Instead of exiting his office, I faced him once more.

"Doc," Nervousness entered through my heart. "On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst, how bad are my kidneys right now?"

Dr. Wu stood in complete silence.
His eyeballs peered at me, creating answers with no words. He was speechless, he didn't know how to respond. But, he didn't have to. His eyes did all the talking, and trust me, they definitely answered my question.

After leaving Doc's office with indirect and noiseless answers, I felt the need to see my boys. They had been with their dad ever since he picked them up from the park, but now I was dying to see their little faces.

"You made it." Khamar said, once he opened the front door to his apartment.

I smiled, then entered. "I did. Where's the boys?"

He called out to John and Michael as I studied his newly purchased home. It was nice and tidy, coordinated and beautifully decorated. I had to admit, I was quite impressed with how fast he found a glorious place.

"Hey, did you do this all on your own?" I pointed to the brilliant decor. The twins came running from a rear end room and jumped into my arms. I placed multiple kisses upon their soft cheeks.

"Most of it." Khamar answered me. "I had a little help from a friend."

I slightly smiled. Khamar was an excellent builder and does brilliant construction..but interior designing? He had never been good at that. So, of course he had help.

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