The Accident

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I was use to staying home alone, it wasn't a big deal. My mom worked as a flight attendant for a private plane company, so she traveled a lot. There was one promise my mom made me when she started this job, and that was that she would always be home on Friday by 8 pm, she always kept that promise. So when the clock struck 9 and she hadn't called or answered any of my texts, I knew something was wrong.
I decided that maybe since I was turning 16 soon, my mom figured I would be ok alone longer. So I went to bed, figuring she would either show up or call by morning. I woke up the next day around 10, checking my phone I saw I had no text or calls so I figured she was already home. I put on my fuzzy bunny slippers and went downstairs to my moms room, she wasn't there. Hmmm that's weird, well maybe she's on the way and wanted to surprise me. I turned on the TV and was flipping channels when I saw, PLANE CRASH! I held my breath, thinking to my self that there's no way that was my mothers plane. It couldn't be. I sat there for hours staring at the news. They didn't release any names until the families were notified, and since I was my moms only family, she couldn't have been in that plane because I have yet to be notified. At least that's what I told my self.
I fell asleep around 6, still not hearing anything from my mom, but I guess no news was better then bad news, right? I was woken up by someone knocking and ringing the bell. I got up off the couch and checked my phone, who would be here at 11 pm? Oh wait, mom! She probably left her key somewhere or packed it in her luggage and didn't want to dig through her bags. I jumped up and ran to the door and threw it open. There were two police men standing there, "Are you Audrey Sullivan?" To be honest with you, I didn't want to answer. I knew what they would say, so I held onto my hope for just a second longer. "Yes" I finally croaked out, "Hello, my name is officer Smith, and this is my partner Officer Johnson. We have some devastating news and we are sorry to be the ones to tell you, your mother was on that plane that crashed last night."
I knew what they said was true but I decided not to believe them, I said thank you and closed the door. I walked to my moms room, climbed in her bed and cried into her pillows. She couldn't be gone, she was my best friend, the only family I had. What was I going to do? I would have to go into the foster care program, there was no way around it I was 16 and my mother she was....she was gone. I cried my self to sleep that night and didn't get out of bed for two days. I actually didn't plan on getting out if bed at all but when I heard a key being inserted and the lock turning, I knew that my mother was a live and the police were just mistaken. "Mommy!" I screamed. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door, only to see a woman that I've never seen before walk into my house. " Umm, who are you?" "Hello, Audrey, my name is Katherine and I am your grandmother." " My grandmother?" That wasn't possible my mom parents both died when I was really little and I didn't know my dad so who was this woman. "Yes, your grandmother, I am your father's mother, and I know you are surprised to see that you have a grandma but I am just as surprised to learn I have a grand daughter."

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