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Nico POV:


He always made such a big deal with everything that involved demigods. No wonder my dad hated coming to Olympus. Poseidon spoke next, 'Brother, he is my son and he has saved Olympus many times! How could we just end his life when all he has done but shown the purest of loyalty to us?'

'We cannot risk anything. This I will not let escape from happening. Percy Jackson will be killed and end up in the underworld by the end of this meeting. The decision is final. Percy Jackson you will have 10 minutes to say your goodbyes.'

I couldn't believe Zeus really chose this. All decisions in Olympus were voted for through all the Olympians. But now, only his vote mattered. Percy was going to die.

'One last thing. Percy's soul shall be taken by the son of the underworld himself, Nico.'

I stood there with my mouth open and my eyes looked as big as saucers. I felt my skin turn pale white. Whiter than the usual, if it were possible. How was I going to kill Percy? How was I going to take his soul? Why would Zeus put me in this position? How was I going to live with myself.
I turned around to look at my friends. Everybody was hugging Percy. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I looked at Percy and his eyes were as sad as when i first saw him come out of Tartarus. I didn't care anymore. I didn't say anything I only joined the group hug. Percy was going to die and I had to be the one to send him to the underworld. After the 3 minute group hug we each said our goodbyes individually. Annabeths sobs filled the quiet room, so did Grovers, Tyson's, Frank's, Hazels, Jason's, and Leo's. Percy then went to say goodbye to the gods as well. I saw lady Artemis hug Percy. That was surprising. Percy really was a good guy. Even the god that swore to never have company of a male liked Percy. Percy was liked by Apollo, some what Ares, Aphrodite even shed some tears if I didn't see wrong, Hera as well hugged Percy, Athena also (this probably surprised me the most since Athena doesn't have a good relationship with Percy), and even Dionysus hugged Percy and said "I'm gonna miss you Perry Johnson I hope you do good in the underworld". He even cried. This was big. The wine God was crying because Percy was going to die. A god that was punished to be a camp director by his father had grown feelings for Percy. The saddest goodbye I'd have to say was Poseidon and Percy's. Poseidon cried. He hugged Percy and cried. He sobbed. He told him so many good things. He promised he would turn him into a constellation. The least he could do he said. He told him how proud he was. How much more he deserved. Before saying his final goodbye he said "You son are my pride and joy, my inspiration. You would be a better God than any other God has been in this room. I love you son."
Zeus right after said 'Percy, the 10 minutes are up.'
Percy said his final goodbye. He went around and did one last round of hugs.

'The ten minutes are up Perseus!' Boomed Zeus.

"I'm going to be killed because you decided it was the best choice even after I have saved your butt countless of times! If it weren't for me you wouldn't be able to make this decision! So let me be!" Percy yelled back.

Percy was right. He saved Olympus many, MANY times. This was truly unfair. He had been offered to be a GOD and he declined.

Zeus gave in, 'Hurry along.'

Percy finished his last round of goodbyes and ended with me. "You can do this Nico"

I had totally zoned out and forgot that I was the one that was going to reap his soul.
"No I can't Percy" I answered.

"You have too Nico."

I stared blank at him. I couldn't. I couldn't kill someone I still had feelings for. I loved him as a friend. But I still sorta had feelings for him. It hurt.

"Nico, promise me you will help everyone understand that this isn't completely bad. Help them be okay after I'm gone. I don't want them to be depressed. You too, have to be strong for me. I am asking you to be strong for the both of us. Be strong for me so I can die knowing that my friends won't be hurting long after I'm gone. Promise me."

"I-I promise."

"Okay I think I'm ready." Percy did a full 360 and waved to everyone. He turned to his friends and yelled "I'll see you guys when you get here" and smiled with tears in his eyes.
He then turned to me and nodded.

I looked him in the eyes. "...Percy"


"Promise me you'll tell Bianca I miss her if you see her there."

He smirked and said "I promise."

I smiled. I was going to miss this guy. I pulled out my Stygian sword and touched his chest with the tip of my sword. He collapsed to the floor and I felt his soul enter the underworld. Percy Jackson was dead.

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