You're already missed

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Nico POV:

     The rooms silence was killing me. The only noise you could hear was the weeping coming from my friends.

The first to speak was Zeus, "The deed has been done. Meeting adjourned" and with that the gods ran off into endless whispers among themselves. Probably talking about what just had happened. I hadn't realized that I hadn't moved until someone's arms wrapped themselves around me. It was Poseidon. He hugged me, very tight. I broke out into tears. I was the one that took the life of Percy, the one person I thought I could never repay for giving me a reason to leave Tartarus. If it wasn't for him I don't think I could have gotten myself together down there. Poseidon let go and walked towards my friends bringing me along by my shoulders.

"Silence children. You know our lost friend wouldn't want to see you like this. He wants us to accept it had to be done, just like he accepted it. We owe him that much. I too already miss him dearly. He was not just my son, he was my inspiration to be a better God." Poseidon spoke with such sad eyes. I never thought I'd be able to see such a powerful human being look so broken, so lifeless.
Annabeth spoke next, but not to Poseidon but to me, "Can't you visit him in the underworld? Can't you see his trials!? I won't be able to live another day knowing he didn't make it to Elysium. Please Nico tell me you can."

"I can. I was already thinking about doing so. I should be going already I can feel his presence"

Annabeth asked "By any chance can someone else go with you? Or is it only underworld children?"

"Just underworld... Sorry. Not my rules"

"It's alright, I already knew the answer..." Admitted Annabeth.

"I want to make him a proper farewell at Camp Half Blood. I, myself will also attend. Tonight when Nico returns from the underworld it shall start. Now, go Nico,  for it is already getting dark."
"Okay. I'll see you guys when I get back." I started towards a dark hallway and I shadow traveled.


I walked right into the trials. Not exactly his trials but someone else's. I started towards the line. I finally reached the back when Percy also had just joined.

"Hey Nico long time no see!" Said Percy very, very, enthusiastically.

"Hey Percy. How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm dead. Like I'm literally going to be drowned into the River Styx. My chest hurts. Right where you sucked my soul from me." He said as he lifted his ghostly shirt and pointed to a small slash on his chest.

"I-I'm sorry."

"N-no I didn't mean it like that.. I'm just saying it feels weird being a ghost. It reminds me of Tartarus... I was a ghost with Annabeth. I remember how ghostly she looked. It scared me. She reminded me she was alive with a beating heart when she would reach out for my hand or lay her hand on my shoulder. Now I have no one to touch me and remind me we are both alive. I touch my heart and try to feel it beating but I don't feel anything. I'm scared Nico."

"P-Percy...." I understood where he was coming from. If being a ghost reminded him of him once being a ghost from Tartarus, I would be too. Tartarus made all your worst experiences, 25x worst. The fear itself could eat you whole.

"I know I shouldn't be scared. I'm "the great Percy Jackson" the savior of Olympus! Not once, not twice, but a million times! Yet here I am. In line to get a trial of death. Scared out of my wits."

"I'm here for you Percy. I might not be dead but I can see you and talk to you whenever you want. Maybe not if you choose to reincarnate into something but if you stay here in the underworld. I can speak to you. You aren't entirely alone Percy."

"Thanks Nico. You being here truly does help, a lot. Talking to someone takes my mind of what I'm about to face."

"No need to thank me, it's the least I can do for "sucking the soul out of you" and leaving that awful scar on your chest" I snickered.

Percy laughed, "You're right."
Percy and I talked the whole time while in line. When it was his turn I stood near him. The trial ended quick. Percy was the most loyal person Nico had ever met. Percy would never let anyone down and if he did he would repay a price much bigger than needed. He was sent to Elysium and saving Olympus many times got him his request to be accepted. He asked for a mansion all brand new, just for he and his incoming friends. He would decorate it. He would build it. (All his requests) I walked over to where he would build it. He had a big smile on his face.

"I'm gonna make Annabeth proud. I'm gonna make THE best Elysium mansion for all of us" he stated.

I couldn't think of a good answer. I was looking at him smiling. Apparently I was crying too. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. How could Percy smile after being killed for no reason by someone you have saved MANY times? Just 10 minutes ago he was telling me he was scared. Now he is excited to build an Elysium mansion for his soon to be dead friends. Percy was always good at hiding his emotions. I could see it through his excitement now that I thought of it. He was in deep sorrow.

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