Chapter 3

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I didn't know what to say or do. We sat there in silence. I never heard silence quite this loud. After a minute or so I looked up to meet my best mates gaze. His eyes weren't the normal emerald green. They haven't been for the last 2 weeks. They now had turned to a grayish color. A color so dull. You could even read the emotion in his face. In that moment he looked so small. Almost like a child. I had never seen him so vulnerable.

Harry's POV) I didn't know what to say. My throat was dry and my heart was beating a million beats per second and my hands were trembling. Amy had an eating disorder? How could I have never noticed? Of course she did. All the times she turned down food, how all of a sudden she wasn't hungry. Even in her last few weeks she looked painfully thin and frail. So breakable that if you tapped her she would fall over and shatter into a million pieces. Why didn't I ever notice the warning signs? Why was I so oblivious to the fact that the girl I was so in love with wasn't happy. She was starving and slowly killing herself. I then stared intently at my bestfriend. How could Louis say that to her? He knew how self conscious she used to get. How could he do that to the girl I loved? I would never put down or say anything to his girlfriend Eleanor, that would ruin her self esteem in any way. Amy and El were the best of friends. They would do everything together. El was devastated when she first found out about Amy's death. After all they treated each other as they were sisters. I sucked In a large breath of air. "You called Amy a fatass." I questioned. There was an unmistakable hint of hurt in my tone. "Haz you know I was just joking. Amy was never fat. Not at all." He stuttered out. I shut my eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of my nose. "how about we take a break from these and do t listen to them?" Liam suggested. I nodded. I didn't think I could handle listening to any more of them but then I realized it was Amy. I had to hear the rest. Was this her way of a scuicide letter? If so then it's horrible. It's sick to think that she would do this to me. I was nothing but good to her. I loved her so much, so much that it seemed like I had never loved or been hurt before. I then quickly grabbed the cassette tape and flipped it over the other side. This side a big number two written in her favorite red lipstick. I popped it In without even acknowledging the boys. So then again the voice I had never thought I would hear again started. "Just in case you need make info on this I would like to address that once you listen to every single cassette tape and every single reason why, you will pass it on to the next person on my list as being a reason why. Then once it reaches to number 13, then you can take these box of tapes and above it up your ass an go to hell. Just incase you decide not to listen to the tapes I will find out... From a reliable source if you aren't listening to these tapes. If so then I will share these tapes to the public. And everything you thought was once private wont be, and for some of you, I'm pretty sure you don't want your reasons/ stories told in public. So just sit back and enjoy these tapes because you will listen to every single tape until there are no more." It was quite for a moment and the boys looked at me with a mixture of fear, confusion, and sympathy. Why would she do this to me? Why? After a minute of so of silence I went to check if something had happened to the volume so I cranked it up even louder but it was still completely silent. Then all of a sudden her voice boomed again. I quickly turned down the volume, and recovered from the random loud sound. "Sorry for the long and quite wait... But I was just thinking about my next story. Who my next victim will be. So I have come to the conclusion that my next story will be to James Bernoulli. You James were very different. I always admired you from a far during my high school years and you knew. So of course why wouldn't you take advantage of me? And that's exactly what you did. So James Bernoulli, lets tell that story of yours shall we?" The boys and I looked at each other. "Who is James Bernoulli?" Asked Niall. "Amy had mentioned something about him before but aside from that I really don't know." I muttered. What did James do to Amy that made him show up as #2 on these tapes. Then Amy had continued on. "It all began in sophomore year when.."


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