The Dismembering. ; Chapter Three.

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Dedicated to


For just being a fan, and for all the suggestions! (:

Now , m’dears , the gore begins. :3

Hope this is grisly enough for you horror-whores.

I’ve got to go about this with a spiel at the beginning, like I always do. It wouldn’t be my work if I didn’t have something stupid to say at the top of every chapter, right? (; bwahah.

Okay! So.

If ya’ll wanna help me out a bit, here.. I’d appreciate it if you answered these questions for me! (: They’re not hard, don’t worry. :P

What’s your opinion on the book cover?

What do you think about this story so far? (It’s only now - three chapters in , I know. But still.)

Anything you’d like to see happen?

Anything you have a problem with?

Any recommendations?


Besides that, I’m looking for book covers, so if there are people reading this that want to give it a try – go for it! Even if I don’t pick it to be the cover, you’re still gonna get kudos for it. :3 Also banners! I’m a banner lover! (:

Also; songs! Any song you know that you’d like to see on here? Or think would be good for the chapter/book? Tell me!

If you wanna be a character in this book; send me a pm and I’ll make it happen!

Also, the next time I post, which will probably be right after this – It’s won’t  be a chapter. But, I do advise you look at it if you’re looking for a good read! I’m gonna put a few of my favorite works of all genres – if I can find one of all of them – . If you guys know me, or have had me comment/critique/edit your stories/work than you’ll know I’m kind of harsh. These stories will not suck, in my opinion anyway. There will also just be a good few people to check out , whether from how nice they are , to their actions and opinions, or maybe even how much I like them . :P * And if you’re interested in having your work on it/being in it , send me a pm , meebo me , or write on my mb! Or you can comment, I don’t care.

That’ll probably be the longest spiel, and it was even important. Look at that. I’m beginning to be useful.

Enjoy your chapter, m’dears.

                I love the power. I think that’s why I killed, I love the feeling. I love feeling so supreme that I could take someone’s life in a flash. I love the way my feet sprung when I lunged at my prey. I feel like a predator. I am a predator. I lure my prey in with the promise of sweet tea with a lovely lady like myself, with the promise of making them into a piece of art, with the promise of non-marital sex. Nothing any man could refuse.

                And then when I had him in my grasp, I crushed him. I choked him of his power, and left him dead. And that’s exactly what I did to Monsieur Mercier.

                I looked at his face, and saw the fright. I could practically feel it seep off his body and feel mine absorb it. It was a marvelous sensation. You wouldn’t understand the pure grisly sexuality and emotion of it – unless you were to experience it firsthand.

                Monsieur Gilles, Miss Cecilia, Miss Victorie, and I surrounded Monsieur Mercier. We were all waiting, wanting his flesh in our hands, in our bodies. And then my favorite moment came; when I violated his body with my knife. Stabbing and slashing into his skin, I felt the life elude his body. After everyone had gotten their fill, we all took a few steps back and looked at the body.

                Deep red, rich blood ran from his new wounds and gushed to the floor. He gasped one last time, and blood flowed from his mouth, drenching and staining his already soaked top with more of his own bodily fluid. His skin was hanging off in places, his arm was in a disfigured position, and Miss Cecilia had gotten to his fingers on one hand – choosing to chop all his fingers off, but a half of his ring finger. It was a macabre sight, but I loved it all the same.

                Monsieur Gilles left to grab a rolling cart to bring his body into the west sun room where it would be defiled, decapitated and mutilated beyond recognition. We were all bouncing on the soles of our feet, excited for more.

                Once all of us were in the west sun room, we all started to do what we do best. Miss Cecilia stripped him off the rest of his torn and blood drenched clothes, and left to dispose them. Miss Victorie left to retrieve the special knives. And Monsieur Gilles and I tried to get as much of his blood into bowls as we could. Nothing on a body was to be wasted.

                Once we salvaged all the dark sticky delicious plasma we could, Monsieur Gilles went on to break each of his legs, arms, and neck – as to make it easier to disarticulate the body. As he did this, we ladies went to change into some more comfortable and easier-to-work-in clothes.

                Upon return, we came to the sight of a body with no legs, no arms, and no head. His torso was a separate piece, each of his legs and arms were in two sections – detached at the joints, and his head was standing up straight on the side. Than we all went to our designated areas, and got to work. Miss Cecilia had the arms, Miss Victorie had the legs, Monsieur Gilles had the torso, and I took the head. Everyone was on an adrenaline high, and happy as could be with our latest catch.

                I took Monsieur Mercier’s head, plucking out the eyeballs with a certain instrument, then proceeding to cut out his tongue with my knife. After removing his tongue, I moved onto pulling out his teeth with a metal tweezers-like tool. When I finished the tedious task, I picked a distinct knife and skinned his face. When I was done removing all of the parts that were useful to me, I handed the head over to Miss Victorie whom was finished with her legs. I than gave the tongue to Miss Cecilia whom was finished with her arms to go and fry along with Monsieur Mercier’s private parts.

                I than retreated to my room, and finished what was started.

"Be careful when you wrestle with monsters, lest you thereby become one. For, if you stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you." - Friedrich Nietsche.

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