Care For Some Spotted Dick? ; Chapter Four.

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First off, you can thank this chick


For this chapter having finally got done.


Times 53492835832058!

It all started with a super duper freaking rough week. Like you don’t even know how many things went wrong. There was fighting, pregnancy, death, and a ton of other stupid bullshit. And then after that, there were just more complications, and I just kept putting writing this off. But then, I tried to write. And I was in such a terrible mood, I just couldn’t.

So it’s taken me this long to battle through one large ass case of Writer’s Block.


Anyway – this chapter introduces some new things. Obviously, it’s the start of the story and until things get into swing, stuff is going to continue to be familiarized. This chapter in particular brings in more of her painting, and the fashion of the Era.

For those who aren’t aware, I have a small obsession with the La Belle Époque in France – or anywhere really. The fashions were gorgeous, the shawls, the cloaks, the corsets, the parasols, the hats, the dresses and tailored suits. Everything was made with such beautiful elegance. It really was a magnificent time period. But I’m going off, I’m just saying some of this is about fashion. It may be a horror story, but I’ll write it to my liking.


I will be starting another book. SOOON. Like, I’m gonna start writing as soon as I finish posting this. This book shall be called The Blood Reincarnates. Summary below. I have as you could call it a assistant on this book? She's behind half the ideas! Simply fabulous of her, yes. She'd be Miss Livi, OliviaLouise is her name on here.

This has yet to be edited, revised, or checked by someone who actually does that shit. [x - Opinions?

On the night of June Twenty-First, 1905 two children’s lives were taken, in a horrendous murder.

This particular homicide goes down in history as the most gruesome, bloodstained, horrifically disturbing one to date.

No one has seen anything quite as terrifying – until now.

Many years later, the same two children are reincarnated.

And something deep deep inside them craves to take lives. Steal them, just as their parents stole theirs, those numerous years ago.

Can they block out the want of knives slashing threw the skin of humans?

Or will they slaughter each innocent person, one by one..

They are, The Blood Reincarnates.

BTW, it's also been brought to my attention by no other than Livi, that Spotted Dick is an actual food. It's a dessert pudding.


So I found it good enough to use as a title of this chapter. (;

Anyway! Enjoy your long-long-long awaited chapter! And make sure to look out for the Intro&Prologue of TBR!


                Once retiring to my room, I set up my work place. I grabbed paint brushes, red, sliver, black, and white paint, adhesive, and gloss. I went to my armoire and grabbed the outfit I would be wearing at Monsieur Bardot’s Masquerade Ball. I studied all aspects of the dress, and was immediately I was consumed in the prints and the high-fashion of the dress.

                The cloak was made of cashmere; it was deep velvet with a black lining inside, simply stunning. The dress was a black low décolleté neck line, with exquisite loose sleeves. The front was covered in red lace, and was covered in embroidery. The cinched wrist cuff was decorated in white pearls, with silver buttons. The gloves were black silk, with lace on the very edge. Everything about the outfit was couture. And I was going to look magnifique.

                I got to work on my mask, using the peeled skin from Monsieur Mercier’s face as the base. First, I cut it smooth around the eyes, and made it into the correct shape. Once satisfied with the base, I covered the back fleshy part with an adhesive, and finished it with gloss. The front, I coated in gloss, than painted black. I added the embroidery design that was copied from the lace on the dress front, and added silver and white swirls and patterns around the eyes.

                Once finished, I was completely satisfied. It was gorgeous. Perfect. I couldn’t wait to wear it, and amaze everyone. With the mask, the outfit, and my natural beauty, I’d be the best looking at the party.

                My self-praising was soon interrupted by two soft knocks on my door. I opened my bedroom door and was presented with the presence of Miss Victorie telling me dinner would soon be ready, and I was to dress. She came in, quietly shutting the wooden door with a soft, ‘swoosh, click.’

                She twirled around me, her long skirt flowing softly with her movements, humming a soft tune. She swished, and spun all around the room, grabbing different garments out of drawers and the closest, and tossing them softly on the duvet covering the bed. “What’s got you so merry, m’love?” I ask her, with a tint of a hidden smile on my rouge lips.

                “Oh Lady Louise,” she begins, with a radiant smile playing on her small heart-shaped face. “I’m so happy! I just feel so full of life, and so radiant!” she said, brightly, twirling herself around the room more. She tossed herself on the bed, and laughed lightly as the duvet and sheets came floating up around her, stockings and gloves falling to the floor in a heap.

                I walked over, and slowly picked up the articles of clothing on the floor, tossing them at her playfully as I did so. “Good darling! Relish that, m’love. It’s good for your soul, I say.” I told her, watching her nod her head up and down, with her dear wide brown eyes. “Be it as it may, it’s almost dinner. So please, help me dress.” I say, with a last spirited toss of a stocking to her face.

                I came upon the dining hall door, and paused to inhale deeply, smelling the heavenly rich aroma of freshly cooked meat. I continued onward, and took a seat on one of the plush red cushioned chairs, surrounding the cherry wood table at the center of the room. The table itself was covered in the most delectable looking foods. There was stew thick with chunks of meat and potatoes, miniature minced meat pies, sausage, sliced meat, broiled fingers, fried tongue, sautéed penis, vegetables, and a numerous assortment of other succulent looking foods.

                Once all four of us were seated around the table, we picked up our wine glasses full of blood, and toasted to ourselves, with a simple ‘clink’ of the glasses touching.

                “Shall we feed?” Monsieur Gilles said, with a ginormous grin and a simple wink of a crystal blue eye.

" Blood is like wine,

Unconsious all the time. "

; Machinehad by Bush.

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