Some Of My Favorite People/Work! (:

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  • Dedicated to To All The Favulous People On Wattpad.

Okay loves! This is gonna be a rough little section of work/people I think you should check out. (:

The genre's are in bold, and the book/poetry titles are in italics. Most of the authors names are in italics, and if they're in bold and italics that means I really love them, and recommend you checking them out the most.

Of course there is more people and work I like, but I don’t feel like searching for every story I like, and I’ll add to it later. If you know I loved your story and I forgot you, feel free to tell me!

Let me start with Horror, because it is of course my favorite.

If you’re interested with blood and gore (which you probably are if you’re reading this) I’m tellin’ ya, you have to check out this guy.


I just started reading his stuff earlier today, but he’s absolutely genius!

I recommend checking out the story Dale-Creek Hill Asylum by


It’s completely marvelous!

Poetry next.

Deffo check out my girl,


ALL Her shit is legit my favorite poetry.

I also recommend checking out the poetry book Shattered Glass by


It’s lovely!

Paranormal and or Vampire

Check out Hunted Pleasures by


I edited this, and I fucking love it.

For a mystery/paranormal/horror I’d check out


I adore a lot of his work.

Another good Mystery is Joel by


Not only is Joel good – in my opinion, but this is like, my favorite girl on this site! She more than fabulous, and she’s so nice! (: Deffo go check her out, say hello, and I recommend fanning and getting to know her!

And one more good mystery writer is,


Good stuff. :3

For Romance I’d go take a look at


A lot of her work is boyxboy but I like it. (: And it’s cute. :P


Go check out DragonLore by


I love her story, just as much as I love her! Which is a lot! (:

Another awesome Fantasy is The Zachary Donovan Enigma by


A bit of a cliché so far, but I love it all the same! Which is different for me.


Go check out Caiden Rylance by


Really good , m’dears.

Historical Fiction

Go check out Both The Future, and The Past by


Super interesting plot!

There’s way more, but I have stories to read and people to please, so I’m gonna end this of a list of just people you should check out.

All these people I talk to, and I love them and or their work.

MaddieJaide – my co-author and friend!

RosePetal – assistant writer of Tea Time and pree’ damn chill girl.

Vanna_127 – Editor for Tea Time, super lovely!

Pike810 – editor for She Doesn’t Care , really sweet nice girl.

Abigailz1128 – Editor for Thanatos, aka my co-written work that’s about to start. Very helpful and wonderful.

And just some randoms, that are still fucking awesome;




I hope you guys check some of them out! (: It’ll mean a lot to them, and even to me!

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