• nineteen

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jisoo: seul, lets meet at the park nearby your house at 10 tonight! i got a surprise for you.

seulgi: what surprise? ㅋㅋㅋ

jisoo: you will know till then. 

seulgi: sure! see you tonight!



seulgi sit on the bench, waiting for jisoo to arrive. she is extremely excited for the surprise jisoo talked about; its been eating her curiosity alive.

"hi seul!" jisoo quickened his footsteps and press a kiss on her forehead before sitting down beside seulgi. "so where is my surprise?" seulgi giggled. its not her fault for being impatient since jisoo won't budge giving her a hint.

"first, i will go buy something at the convenient store ok? wait here!" seulgi nodded while a pout play on her lips. its just pure torture when someone pull a cliffhanger on you. while jisoo jog over to the convenient store opposite, seulgi pick up his phone which dropped on the floor.

a beep came out from the phone, indicating that there is a text message. because of curiosity, seulgi on jisoo's phone and read the text.

10: 21 pm
wonwoo: if you won't agree to the plan, i will tell seulgi you are the one who raped her.


an; i thought i should be telling you all this because you all deserve to know- somehow. apparently, there is this someone here on wattpad (i will not reveal his/her identity to not cause any riots) private message me that my story sucked. i admit to this because honestly, english isn't my first language; i am a korean-chinese. the thing is, this particular person made me angry because he/she freaking insulted my readers and my parents which is the one thing i cannot calm down. he/she said that my readers (aka you) are somehow under a spell that made you all read my book? my parents are failures of the society for bringing up such an evil child. after insulting me, he/she recommended me to read his/her book. who are you to judge my readers and parents when you don't even know them? you can judge me all you want because i admit that i do make mistakes but dude, there is a limit.

for those who are not enjoying this book, i sincerely apologize here for my terrible writing. please do stop reading this book as in immediate, thank you very much. i am so done with haters argh.  

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