Cartman and Kyle

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You: 'sup Jew

Jew Boy: What do you want?

You: No need to get so suspicious right away Kahl. I need help with the group project Im having with Butters

Jew Boy: Ha. You're with Butters, dude. Ask him, I'm busy anyways.

You: Butters isnt helping. He doesnt know a shit and hes stupid ass balls

Jew Boy: This is one of the reasons I hate texting with you. You can't fucking spell, and you always texts me in the middle of the night.

You: The clock is around two Kahl. And what's up with the "I'm busy" part in the middle of the night? You wouldnt answer me in the middle of the night because I know that you have your phone on airplane mode and across the room so I wont be able to annoy you in the middle of the night (which I do to Stan because he always cares). So, what are you doing, Kahl?

Jew Boy: Fucking stalker. Is it just me or have you gotten creepier by the years that have gone? I'm kinda sure you have.

You: Shut up Jew boy. I still want to know, what are you doing? Are you masturbating? Is that why your busy?

Jew Boy: Aw shut up, you know that it's Kenny who masturbates, not me. That's like the only reason he doesn't answer, or he's fighting, or he's dead, or he's spending time with Karen, or he's just plain watching porn, or he's playing video games, or he's sexting...

You: I personally think that youre the stalker and not me

Jew Boy: I'm analyzing stuff. Kenny also made a list once of why he doesn't answer, didn't he send it to you?

You: That white trash hates me. He usually doesnt reply to my messages, only when hes bored. The only reason he ever would answer my texts is because hes bored out of his mind

Jew Boy: He really dislikes you. I don't even know why I'm still texting with you.

You: Because I'm super cool and awesome that you must get a little of my awesomeness and coolness

Jew Boy: If it's like that I should probably stop texting you immediately. See you later fat-ass.

You: See you in your dreams Jew Boy

Read: 03:37 - South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now