Entry 1: How I ended up

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For Christmas a few days ago my dad gave me a journal to keep me busy during my dark days locked up in the basement. Maybe one day my diary will be as good as Anne Franks. My name is Poot Lovato, 15 years old. Demi is my sister. She is gorgeous and is famous for singing and dancing. I dont see her that much.
At birth Demi and I were separated. She went to one end of the hospital and I was at the other. Our parents thought Demi was the cutest, happiest little baby they had seen. When they saw me they tried to stuff me into a trash bag and abandon me. They failed. One doctor saw them do it and threatend to call the police. So they took me home and for 4 years they dealt with me. We then moved into a bigger house and once my parents saw it had a concrete basement they thought it was the perfect place for me. They shoved me in the dark, cold, basement with a blanket and tv that planned informercials all day.
Most days I was fed Spaghetti O's. Other days I was fed toast and peanuts. Holidays I would be lucky to have a little slab of barely cooked meat, but holidays are another entry.

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