Chapter 5: Subjects 13 & 14

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I woke up in side my room with only the memory of dying by that damn vampire. I looked over toward the door as Dr.Swine entered the room. "Good you are woke," he says while walking over to me with a pad and pen while trying to check the wound on my neck. "I'm fine," I said standing before I walked over toward the mirror I had on the wall. As I looked into the mirror I saw that I had three claw marks going across my neck. "That bitch is dead when I see her," I growled while rubbing my fingers down my neck. "General Blitz has something for secret you will need.... Subject 14," Dr.Swine announced in his German accent while handing me an orange envelope. I looked over and smiled with joy. "Let's have a little fun shall we," I whispered to him before pushing the envelope into his chest before walking towards the door. After walking down the hallways, I made it to Teresa's room which is a giant fish bowl. When I entered her room their was a large dome big enough to fit a bus into. Half of the dome was cut off by a large sheet of glass and on that side of the dome it was filled with water and fishes. "Teresa it's me," I yelled while tapping the glass. All of a sudden a figure in the water appeared in front of me. "What do you want Arthur," Teresa says as she floats in the water. She was wearing a black top with a picture of a sea horse killing Sponge bob. She had black short hair and her skin was sea blue, she had sky blue eyes and her nails were like claws. Teresa was one of the only people I could trust in Purgatory. Ever since we got here we've had each others back. She was like the sister I never had. After an hour of explaining the mission. Her sour look became cheerful as if she was a kid in a candy store. "I get to have fun,' she says before swimming toward the exit the door leading to my half of the dome. I handed her a towel that was laying on a nearby table. "Do you think you can handle yourself when we get there," I asked with superior tone in my voice. Teresa looks at me with a look of aggression that quickly became glee. "Sure," she said sarcastically. " Now let's do some early killing," I said with a large grin as we walked out of the room. The first place we went to was our little weasel friend Frankie. Frankie was a short hairy guy that was part of the ghoul operation to scare wandering campers. We found him at his usual spot next to the blood pit by the training room. The blood pit was a large funnel shaped hole that we drop the dead subjects into where there was a chain of circular saws at the bottom to cut the subjects into pieces. "Hello Frankie, I believe you owe us something," I told him as Teresa grabbed him by his leg and began to dangle him upside down over the blood pit as if he was a teddy bear. "I already paid you two all your coins," Frankie said in an Irish accent. "Not true Frank, you forgot when you killed three of Purgatories guard's and asked us to get rid of them, Teresa tell the man what he's won," I said while I clapped my hands. "A one way ticket to ghoul heaven or is it hell.....where ever your kind goes," Teresa smiles before dropping the poor bastard down the blood pit. His blood splashed into the air as if it was a geyser that came straight from hell. "I wasn't done talking Teresa," I said frustrated while putting my hand to my forehead. "He slipped," Teresa giggled with a shrug of her shoulders. "Now we can't get paid, let's go we still have to meet Gerald,' I yawned while wiping the bits and pieces of Frankie off my clothes before taking his stuff off the floor. Ever since I got here I've always been the shark in this small tank, every thing that happened here always came through me. When ever someone gets killed they pay me to get rid of the..... well evidence. But if they didn't pay me...they get a visit from Teresa and when you get a visit from her you better hope it's on good terms. As we walked through the halls we noticed Gerald was leaning against a wall until he seen us. The look on his face was as if he'd seen his worst nightmare. ''Bet 10 grays he's going to make a run for it,' Teresa bets while pulling out ten gray coins. ''Deal,' I said before turning to look toward Gerald and to my expectations he had already broke into a run. Gerald began to change in size and as he changed he began to run faster. That's when I knew Gerald was a were-cheetah. ''Crap...Teresa,' I yelled before looking toward Teresa and as if I just said a trigger word Teresa was running, In about five seconds Teresa was right behind him. Teresa slices Gerald's Achilles making him collapse. When I caught up to them Teresa already had her hand around his throat. ''You owe me 10 grays Arthur,' Teresa says with a crazed look on her face. ''Why did you try to run Gerald if you knew Teresa would catch you, where's my money,' I said after kneeling down on one knee to talk to him. ''ArthurIwasgoingtogiveyouthemoneyIswearit'sjustIhaven'thadachancetogetit....,' He said rapidly before Teresa stuffed his shoe into his mouth. ''You talk to much,' Teresa growled in a irritated manor. ''Gerald you know we can't let you go, we have to set an example for the rest of our clients,' I spoke in a calm voice as Gerald began to cry. ''Teresa, I'll handle this,' I said as my fingers turned into claws. I stuck two of my fingers into his eye sockets and began to drag him toward the Blood Pit. You could hear Gerald's screams as I dragged Gerald's body toward the pit. ''Goodbye Gerald,' I smiled before tossing him into the pit. Before turning around General Blitz and six guard's came walking down the hallway. "It's time," He orders as the guard's surrounded us. "Time for us to meet are new play mate's Teresa," I said while turning toward her with a sinister grin. "About time, I was getting bored from not tormenting anyone," Teresa smiles before we left toward the elevator.

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