Last Chapter: Subject 24

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     It felt as if my conscience was being split in half between good and evil.... right and wrong. During the mission I had this hunger that wanted me to kill the soldiers, but I stopped myself. I wondered how long could I last before this beast inside takes over. I was with Arthur when the fight started, bullets were whizzing past us as we ducked behind cars and buildings. "You having fun today boss," Arthur says with a creepy smile. "Don't call me boss," I told him while knocking out a guard that tried to stab Arthur in the back. ''I noticed you haven't killed anyone... are you holding back,' Arthur asked before thrusting his hand into a soldier's chest and pulling his heart out. ''You know what happens if I don't hold back, people die and I lose control,' I warned him before picking up an assault rifle. ''Why do you think we're here Aaron... and it's not to have a tea party with these men. The job was an assassination and to kill any witnesses,' Arthur states before snatching the rifle from my hands. ''You have power... Don't be afraid of it....use it,' he says after using the rifle to shoot down a squad of soldiers. I didn't understand Arthur but somewhere deep inside I knew he was right. General Blitz did this to me and turned me into a living weapon, If I don't learn how to use it then I'll be consumed by it.

       After a few minutes of fighting soldiers, Arthur and I stumbled upon a lab facility that had two steel black doors with more than enough chains that even a werewolf couldn't break out of . The building was close to three stories tall and every window had bars attached on the outside. ''What do you think they're trying to keep out? ' Arthur asked while expecting the chains. ''I think they were keeping something in,' I answered while rubbing my hand across claw making that were at the entrance of the facility. ''We aren't going to find anything while standing out here,' I said before grabbing the chain and with only a small tug they were yanked off like paper.wrap. The facility was old, there were holes in the walls and the ceiling looked like it would cave in at any moment. After a few minutes of walking around we found ourselves on the last floor of the building. We walked around being careful not to touch anything. ''Aaron come look at this,' Arthur insist while looking at a door with the words: Project Harbinger was engraved on a door which seemed like a prison door with a barred window and a tray inserter.     "What's Project Harbinger ?," I asked Arthur as we stood at the door as if we were waiting for permission.

     "I don't know..... let's find out,' He answers with a sinister grin before opening the door towards a pitch black room with only the light from the moon shining through a window. As we walked into the room we noticed chains all over the floor and attached to the walls. That's when we notice him. In the corner of the room a man was crouched in a corner with the chains attached to his legs. He had long hair and he had his back facing the door. The light from the moon deflected off his back showing what looked to have been tattoos all over his body. But, out all of the tattoo's, I noticed their was one that showed the devil hovering over a dark pit on the guys back. '' Around me the chains of hell, And the souls of the evils I shall drag there,' He says in a deep hollow voice while standing to his feet. And as he stood the room began to shake and the chains on the walls and the floor began to morph into faces that looked to have been screaming in agony. The man was about 5'9 and he looked no were under forty. ''Who are you?,' I asked while backing up. ''I am Gods wrath, I am the devil's servant. Any who look into my eyes will forever burn in the pits of Hell. I am The Harbinger,' He says while turning his face toward us. His eyes were flaming red and as he walked toward us he began to morph. Flames erupted from his arms and legs as his hands turned into claws. ''Aaron Run,' Arthur says before pulling me out of the room and closing the door after us. ''What the hell was he...... the room was surrounded by....... He started to catch fire,' I started to ask while still trying to process what I just saw. ''I thought they were myths, Yea we're all created off of myths but nothing in the briefing said he was that,' Arthur said as we ran into a empty room that looked to have been a surgical room. Boxes of supplies were scattered around the room. ''What are you talking about Arthur,' I asked him while turning toward him. '' A Hellhound Aaron, I freaking hellhound, and the icing on the cake is that he's Asa !,' He yelled before an explosion erupted from a wall. A large creature appeared behind the largely made hole in the wall covered in flames. The flames burned everything in his path including the boxes that weren't even near him. His eyes were a dark red while his claws were as black as the night. I couldn't believe that we had to fight a drug lord. ''Aaron this would be a good time to bring him out,' Arthur says while slowly turning into a Kamara. ''What,' I answered while backing away from the giant creature. ''Turn into the Werehyena..... It's the only thing that can kill this guy,' Arthur says while picking up a chair and tossing it at the beast, but as soon as the chair was in two feet of Asa it began to burn until it became dust. ''I can''s too dangerous,' I told him before tackling Asa but all he did was lift me into the air before slamming me into the ground. ''If you don't transform then we'll die, not using it doesn't make you stronger, it just means that your nothing but a weakling and that you're not fit to lead this pack, then you're not fit to live,' Arthur yells before kicking the beast off of Aaron. ''What if I lose control...... I don't think I'll be able to stop myself ,' Aaron says before Arthur helped him up. ''Then lose control on that sorry piece of shit,' Arthur says while pointing toward Asa who was running toward us. "Let me out," the voice said in my head. "I turn toward Arthur and see a giant beast look at me. "Let Me Out," It growed before stabbing me in the chest with it's claws leaving everything turning black. "That was easy," A voice bellowed. "We have him now..... we can finish the plan?," A familiar voice asked. "Patience Jason, All will be clear," the voice answered. I opened my eyes to find myself strapped to a machine over a pool of water with tubes sticking into my arms and neck. I then noticed Jason and Diablo standing next to a computer screen which showed dark figure talking talking to them. "I trusted you....I thought you were my friend," I yelled while trying to pull myself free. "I was never your friend... what Swine did to you was a mistake.... He turned you into an abomination and I told you Aaron, don't trust anyone in Purgatory," He said while walking over to me. "Those tubes inside your body is keeping that beast sedative. Now, tell me what Blitz is planning," Jason says before walking over to a doctor with a clipboard. " I don't know what you're talking about," I told him as I felt drowsy. " I knew you would say that, have you ever heard of waterboarding, it's one of my favorite ways to get answers. Send him under," He said before walking away as the machine dropped me into the water leaving me to drown before blacking out. 

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