Genie Goes on Field Trip (Tom & Robert)

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Next morning came.

A couch in living room had a sleeping Vivian, who smiled to himself while still being in deep sleep. Maybe it was because the dream that he was having. He smiled one more time and turned on his side and most probably, he had forgotten the fact that last night he passed out on a couch and not on a bed, thus landed straight on floor with a not-so-loud thud.


After few seconds of the fall, a low grunt escaped his mouth. While his grunt couldn't get to Sam, she slept peacefully on her tummy. Suddenly with a jolt she got up, sitting upright on her spot. She quickly looked at the lamp kept on the nightstand. She looked at it confusedly.

"Did I really bring a Genie home? Was it a dream, all of it?" She thought to herself and quickly grabbed the lamp.

"A tall, handsome but a dumb Genie, lives in it?" She asked herself.

"And I'm offended by that dumb part!"

She jumped when a drenched Genie came out of her bathroom. She looked up at him while he looked back at her, looking upset. His hair still wet while he wore a pair of washed jeans and a blue hooded sweatshirt.

"You know that's my bathroom, right?"

"Sorry, my shower wasn't working!"

"You have got a shower in this thing?" Sam confusedly asked.

"Yes?!" Genie replied, not sure how to react to her question.

"So, it wasn't a dream at all." Sam shrugged and got up with that.

"I need to go for another interview, Genie, since I ruined my interview yesterday." She got into bathroom.

"You going out again?! Can I come with you? Pretty please!" Genie pleaded while standing closer to the door.


Her reply from inside made him pout.

Soon, she came out but jumped when found Genie standing right outside the door with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"I made pancakes for breakfast!" He sang.

"Still not going to take you with me, Genie!"

And again Genie pouted.

"The pancakes are good!" An Australian accent made them turn and Genie frowned to see Vivian holding plate of pancakes.

"I made them for master!" He snapped and went ahead to snatch away the plate...

"I'm master of your master, I'm her husband!" He matched Genie's voice while moving the plate away.

"Ex-husband!" Sam spoke while looking for a job in newspaper.

"Whatever! Thanks for the pancakes, honey!" Vivian chirped and kissed Genie on his cheek, making him shudder.

"I'm leaving, Sam and by the way, today Cindy will start shooting." Vivian spoke, making Sam look up at him.

"That bitch!" Sam cursed under her breath.

"Language!" Genie slowly spoke with a light but fake cough.

Sam glared him.

"Okay, so I found another job. Will you drop me, Viv?" She asked Vivian while getting up from her spot.

"Of course, darling!"

Both of them walked towards the door, forgetting totally about Genie. Before they could even open the door, they sensed a presence right behind them. They turned only to see a sad form of Genie standing with a puppy dog face.

"What?" Sam asked

"You are leaving me again!" He complained, crossing his arms on his chest.

Sam rolled her eyes and finally smiled at him, and that was Genie's cue to join them. His smile couldn't get any wider.

Seconds Later

"Master, look, a tree!" Genie yelled in excitement while sitting in the back seat, making both Sam and Vivian jump.

"See, kids!"

This time he stuck his head out of the window.

"Oh My God, So many people!" He couldn't contain his happiness to see the city, people and everything else that came in contact with eyes. He gleefully smiled all the way while enjoying the cool breeze touching his face.

"Genie put your head back in before you catch flies with your mouth!"

"Why the heck this guy is so excited?" Vivian spoke while carefully driving.

"No master of mine has ever taken me anywhere, like she did!" He continued enjoying the ride.

Sam and Vivian rolled eyes but his childlike happiness brought a smile to their faces.

"Master, what is that?" Genie screamed again and pointed at an ice cream truck that was surrounded by kids.

This time Sam and Vivian jumped and did not look very happy by the distraction.

Sam slowly turned and glared at him...

"Genie that is ice cream and we are not stopping anywhere before this interview and now, I want this drive to be quiet, so no more yelling or screaming!"

She snapped at Genie, making him look at her with a face frown on his face. She turned back. After that scold he just kept his eyes glued on the ice cream truck till it disappeared but nor did he say anything and neither did he say anything during the whole drive. He just sat with his arms crossed on his chest and a frown on his face.

"C'mon, easy, we will run someone over if you keep yelling like that!" Vivian turned his head slightly while trying to keep an eye on the road...


Sam screamed on top of her lungs and before Vivian could process anything, he had rammed his car into a police car with full throttle and the commotion did not stop with one hit. Because of the sudden collision, instead of pushing breaks, Vivian kicked the accelerator.

So, now the car was running on full speed with a police car stuck in the front bumper while all three screamed, Vivian and Sam out of scare while Genie screamed out of excitement.

"Breaks, Vivian!!!" Sam yelled while holding onto the roof of the car. But then the car did stop, not because Vivian pushed the breaks but because they bumped into a tree.

Vivian and Sam sat there mortified, shocked. A tree bark, a police car rammed into it and a car stuck in its ass.

"Wow!! Do it again!!" Genie screamed in excitement...

This update is just for @ErikLensherr_1962 mention a userand I hope you like it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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